List of publications on a keyword: «law»


Publication date: 18.05.2018
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Svetlana V. Tuganova , candidate of philological sciences
Alina I. Shakurova
Kazanskii filial FGBOU VO "Rossiiskii gosudarstvennyi universitet pravosudiia" , Татарстан Респ

«Japanese law as one of the legal systems of the modern world»

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The article explores the concept of Japanese law, gives its brief historical overview, presents the Japanese law structure and examines some issues of criminal justice.

Publication date: 21.12.2017
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Artur A. Avetisian
Elena V. Silchenko , candidate of juridical sciences , доцент
FSBEI of HE "Kuban State Agrarian University named after I.T. Trubilin" , Краснодарский край

«Прокурорский надзор как инструмент борьбы с коррупцией»

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This article explores various aspects of prosecutors' supervision in the sphere of combating corruption and compliance with anti-corruption legislation.

Экономика предпринимательства, организация и управление предприятиями, отраслями, комплексами

Publication date: 07.03.2018
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Anastasia V. Shemeneva , student
Olga A. Tikhonova
Sevastopol Brunch of Lomonosov Moscow State University , Севастополь г

«Особенности купли-продажи предприятий на территории Крыма и г. Севастополя»

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One of the most important elements of the process of integration of the Crimea and Sevastopol in the legal field of the Russian Federation is the formation of a uniform judicial practice in disputes arising in connection with the specifics of land, property, criminal, administrative and other types of legal relations in new entities.

Юридические науки

Publication date: 17.04.2018
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Artem S. Samogin
Moscow Technological University , Москва г

«Понятие и признаки юридического лица в гражданском праве»

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In the present work the question concerning the actual concept and signs of legal entity, and also possible variants of qualification of legal entities is considered.

Юриспруденция (теория и история права и государства, гражданское, уголовное, международное право и др.)

Publication date: 29.03.2018
Evaluate the material Average score: 5 (Всего: 4)
Svetlana V. Mikhneva , candidate of juridical sciences, master of psychological sciences, associate professor Russian Academy of Sciences , associate professor
Saida S. Buzaeva
Volgograd Institute of Management, branch of FSBEI of HE "Russian Presiden-tial Academy of National Economy and Public Administration (The Presidential Academy, RANEPA)" , Волгоградская обл

«Sources of Contemporary Russian Law»

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In this article, we consider the problem of sources of law in modern Russia. The regulatory legal act is described as the main source of law, types of normative legal acts have been singled out. The meaning of the legal precedent is indicated.


Publication date: 22.03.2018
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Ilya R. Shegelman , doctor of engineering sciences
Konstantin A. Kornilov , candidate of engineering sciences
FSBEI of HE "Petrozavodsk State University" , Карелия Респ


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Contradictions in the norms of law contained in legal acts regulating relations in the field of forest legislation are noted, and in Federal Law No. 294-FZ of December 26, 2008.

Publication date: 09.03.2018
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Mikhail A. Zabolotnii , postgraduate student
FGBOU VO "Vserossiiskii gosudarstvennyi universitet iustitsii (RPA Miniusta Rossii)" , Москва г

«Ministry of Construction Industry, Housing and Utilities Sector of the Russian Federation as a subject of administrative law»

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The article examines the powers of the Ministry of Construction Industry, Housing and Utilities Sector of the Russian Federation, specifics of its functioning within the system of executive bodies of Russia; There is being researched the activity of this Ministry, aimed at the development of urban planning, architecture and housing and communal services in Russia. The research of the history of the emergence of a separate and special body that manages the construction, urban planning, territory improvement, and аuthor's analysis of modern Russian legislation allows the author to identify the features of the Ministry of Construction and Housing and Communal Services of the Russian Federation as a subject of administrative law. In addition, after carrying out such a study, conclusions are drawn about the significance of the existence of this ministry in the system of Russian government bodies.

Юриспруденция (теория и история права и государства, гражданское, уголовное, международное право и др.)

Publication date: 26.02.2018
Evaluate the material Average score: 5 (Всего: 2)
Aleksandr V. Nikishkin , candidate of juridical sciences, corresponding member Russian Academy of Natural Sciences , старший преподаватель, подполковник полиции
FSEI of HE "Saint Petersburg University of RF Ministry of Internal Affairs" , Санкт-Петербург г

«Legal system of intellectual property protection in Russia, peculiarities and problems of implementation»

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The article raises issues of intellectual property protection in the Russian Federation as the most important condition of progress in the state's economy, because only a competent state policy in this sphere, provides the growth of inventive and creative activity of the population, which in turn will affect the comprehensive development of society and the state.


Publication date: 15.02.2018
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Dmitrii V. Konstantinov , bachelor of juridical sciences
Dmitrii V. Tolkov , candidate of juridical sciences
FSBEI of HE "Russian State Justice University" , Москва г

«Межотраслевая преюдиция в уголовном процессе как шаг на пути к созданию единообразной судебной практики»

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The article draws attention to the fact that, in accordance with the peculiarity of proving the guilt of the accused in the criminal process, it is not possible to build a united system of interbranch prejudice in the judicial system. In the conclusion, the author notices that applying of undoubted prejudice does not provide for progressing of the criminal court procedure and makes difficulties in applying the procedural law.

Publication date: 24.10.2017
Evaluate the material Average score: 4 (Всего: 2)
Igor N. Ivanenko , candidate of juridical sciences
Iaroslava V. Panteleeva
FSBEI of HE "Kuban State Agrarian University named after I.T. Trubilin" , Краснодарский край

«О соотношении понятий «субъекты административного права» и «субъекты административных правоотношений»»

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The article analyzes the correlation of the concepts "subjects of administrative law" and "subjects of administrative legal relations"

[08.00.00] Экономические науки

Publication date: 02.03.2018
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Sergey L. Danilchenko , academician of the RANH, academician RANS, academician of RAMT, doctor of historical sciences, professor , professor, academician of RANS, Russian Academy of Medical Technology, Russian Academy of Natural History, head of Research center of education development
Institut obshchestvennykh nauk i mezhdunarodnykh otnoshenii FGAOU VO "Sevastopol'skii gosudarstvennyi universitet" , Севастополь г

«The influence of morality on the effectiveness of economic laws»

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The article considers the influence of morality on the effectiveness of economic laws. The thesis of "world unification" based on Western values forms the basis of a deeply racist ideology of Eurocentrism, devoid of scientific content. Western civilization is committed to the expansion and domination, and all of its ideological systems serve the expansionist aims. Science in this case disappears as a philosophical science of the laws of the country, becoming obsequious servant of the latter-day "masters of the world." In today's world there are two opposite groups of principles that drive the economy and the economy of different countries. Those are the principles of liberalism and principles of traditionalism.


Publication date: 27.11.2018
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Andrei A. Sheenkov
FSBEI HE "Vladimir Law Institute of the Russian Federal Penitentiary Service" , Владимирская обл
Lubov K. Fortova , doctor of pedagogic sciences, candidate of juridical sciences , professor
Vladimir State University named after Alexander and Nikolay Stoletovs , Владимирская обл

«Actual problems of anti-corruption expertise»

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The current state of the study of the institute of anti-corruption expertise is analyzed in the article, insufficiently regulated issues in the legislation in this area are considered. The authors note that systematic work to improve the normative and methodological support of anti-corruption expertise should now become one of the top priorities of the government.

Publication date: 09.10.2018
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Elvira G. Kriazheva , graduate student
Elena A. Murzina , candidate of economic sciences , associate professor
FSBEI of HE "Volga Region State University of Technology" , Марий Эл Респ

«Legal regulation of tourism sphere in Russian Federation»

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The article analyzes the corpus of legal acts regulating the sphere of tourism. it is shown that the complex nature of tourism, its formation by many social relations, determines its regulation by the norms of several branches of law. It is specified that the state of regulation of the tourism industry depends on the current position of the branch dominant in the system of law.

Publication date: 09.07.2018
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Anastasia V. Khusainova , student
Institute of State and International Law of FSEE HE “Ural State Law University” , Свердловская обл

«Comparative legal analysis of agreements to avoid double taxation concluded by the Russian Federation with OECD and UN models within article 2»

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This article is devoted to the analysis of deviations of the Russian Federation's agreements on avoidance of double taxation within the framework of Article 2 with the OECD and UN model conventions. The author comes to the conclusion that many bilateral tax agreements deviate from OECD and UN models, not covering taxes on capital.

Publication date: 09.07.2018
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Anastasia V. Khusainova , student
Institute of State and International Law of FSEE HE “Ural State Law University” , Свердловская обл

«To the question of the limitation of the authority of the uniform executive body for the purposes of control from the parties of the participants of the company (corporate mechanism)»

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This article is devoted to the possible application of legal mechanisms, through which it is possible to prevent the actions of the sole executive body that are undesirable for the participants of the company. The author presents the mechanisms of legal protection of interests of the founders (participants) of corporations.

Publication date: 09.07.2018
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Anastasia V. Khusainova , student
Institute of State and International Law of FSEE HE “Ural State Law University” , Свердловская обл

«To the question of carrying out the chamber tax check before the legislation settled»

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This article is devoted to the classification and analysis of the deadline for carrying out a desk tax audit, taking into account the current legislation and judicial practice. The work considers different points of view regarding the concept of "in-office tax audit".

Publication date: 09.07.2018
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Anastasia V. Khusainova , student
Institute of State and International Law of FSEE HE “Ural State Law University” , Свердловская обл

«The formation and development of the North American model of judicial constitutional control»

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This article is devoted to the historical aspect of the formation and development of the North American model of judicial constitutional review. The author comes to the conclusion that this model does not create an independent branch of the judicial system, therefore, constitutional control implementation recognizes the integrity of the entire judicial apparatus.

Publication date: 08.06.2018
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Sergei R. Berdiugin , студент
Nikita S. Evdakimov
Roman A. Proshalygin , candidate of juridical sciences
FSFEI of HE “Siberian Transport University” , Новосибирская обл

«Problems of civil rights protection»

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The article points out the strengthening of positions in the conditions of global integration of space of the Russian Federation in the world arena. especial attention is paid to the problems of protection and realization of civil rights and fulfillment of civic duties of proper character. Also, the main problems of realization and protection of civil rights are analyzed in the article.

Publication date: 06.06.2018
Evaluate the material Average score: 5 (Всего: 3)
Aleksandr V. Nikishkin , candidate of juridical sciences, corresponding member Russian Academy of Natural Sciences , старший преподаватель, подполковник полиции
Viktor S. Bialt , candidate of juridical sciences, associate professor , доцент кафедры, подполковник полиции
Aleksandr V. Demidov , candidate of juridical sciences , доцент кафедры, подполковник полиции
FSEI of HE "Saint Petersburg University of RF Ministry of Internal Affairs" , Санкт-Петербург г

«Legal regulation of professional suitability psychological examination of candidates for service and employees of law enforcement agencies using a polygraph detector»

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The article describes the features of the psychological examination of professional suitability of candidates for service and employees of the internal Affairs bodies with the use of the polygraph, the significance of the polygraph in the selection process of candidates, as well as the possibilities of the polygraph in the study of psychophysiological characteristics of the individual are analyzed.

Publication date: 10.04.2018
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Giulnara F. Kafarova
FSAEI of HE "Far Eastern Federal University" , Приморский край

«Definition of the term «lawmaking»: broad and narrow approaches»

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In the article various approaches to the definition of the concept of «lawmaking» are considered, the opinion of a number of large researchers of this issue is analyzed and the author's definition of the term is given. Despite the long-term discussion that continues in t broad scientific circles, a unified approach to the definition of the concept of «lawmaking» has not been worked out. This obvious legal gap creates confusion in the definition of the concepts of «law-making», «law-making», «legislative activity» and a number of others. This situation is unacceptable, which is evidence of the relevance of the issue under study.

Юриспруденция (теория и история права и государства, гражданское, уголовное, международное право и др.)

Publication date: 20.07.2017
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Ekaterina V. Iakubina
FSBEI of HE "Kuban State Agrarian University named after I.T. Trubilin" , Краснодарский край

«Незаконная рубка лесных насаждений: уголовно-правовые меры»

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The author has considered the topical issues of illegal logging of forest plantations, criminal-legal measures.

Publication date: 26.07.2017
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Ekaterina V. Iakubina
FSBEI of HE "Kuban State Agrarian University named after I.T. Trubilin" , Краснодарский край

«Мошенничество при продаже недвижимости в природоохранных зонах»

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The author has considered topical issues of fraud in the sale of real estate in environmental zones.

Publication date: 20.07.2017
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Ekaterina V. Iakubina
FSBEI of HE "Kuban State Agrarian University named after I.T. Trubilin" , Краснодарский край

«Влияние экологических преступлений в сфере агропромышленного комплекса России»

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The author examined the impact of environmental crimes in the sphere of the Russian agro-industrial complex.

Publication date: 05.06.2017
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Ivan M. Kurdiukov
Olga S. Rogacheva , doctor of juridical sciences
FSBEI of HE "Voronezh State University" , Воронежская обл

«О некоторых проблемах правового регулирования информационного общества»

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Today the Russian Federation is actively developing a young field of law - Information Law. The emergence of a new industry requires updating legislation and approaches to legal regulation. This article was written by the student of the Faculty of Law of Voronezh State University Kurdyukov Ivan under the scientific supervision of Doctor of Science, Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Administrative Law Olga Rogacheva, and considers a number of problems in the industry.

Publication date: 05.06.2017
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Viktoriia A. Kucheriavskaia
Следственное управление Следственного комитета РФ по Краснодарскому краю , Краснодарский край

«Расследование убийств, сопряженных с исчезновением потерпевшего»

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This article will address the issue regarding the investigation of the murders associated with the disappearance of the victim. This article is useful for practical applications and theoretical development of forensic science. The novelty of this work is that allows you to identify problems in the practical application of knowledge when investigating murders associated with the disappearance of the victim.