List of publications on a keyword: «management object»


Publication date: 09.10.2023
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Sergei A. Dereshev , master
FSBEI of HE "Sakhalin State University" , Сахалинская обл

«Content of Corporate Social Responsibility Management»

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The article discusses the concept, content of activities, phases of the corporate social responsibility management process, functions and CSR management system. Based on the analysis of various approaches to determining the content of social responsibility management, typological characteristics of the CSR management process are highlighted. The thesis is substantiated that the CSR management process includes additional functions, along with the traditional management functions adopted in management. The paper also describes the corporate organizational mechanism of CSR management on the example of large public joint stock companies.

[08.00.00] Экономические науки

Publication date: 21.11.2017
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Ekaterina A. Kharitonova
Institute of Economy and Management of FSBEI HE “Yaroslav – the – Wise Novgorod State University” , Новгородская обл

«Quality of products as an object of management at enterprise»

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This article is aimed at studying the problem and the role of product quality management in the production process. External and internal factors of influence on quality management are considered, the primary object of management is revealed, which has a significant impact on quality.