List of publications on a keyword: «IT industry development»


Publication date: 20.11.2018
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Oleg E. Khrstalev , candidate of economic sciences
Sergei N. Larin , candidate of engineering sciences , старший научный сотрудник
Institution of Russian Academy of Sciences “Central Economics and Mathematics Institute RAS” , Москва г

«Solutions to the problems of import substitution in the Russian IT industry»

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The article describes the development of the Russian IT industry in the context of sanctions restrictions. The main goal of this work is to determine the specifics of the development and implementation of import substitution programs aimed at overcoming the technological dependence of the Russian IT industry on the procurement of imported equipment, components, technologies and services. As prospects for the implementation of import substitution programs, the development of unique information products, systems and technologies for managing them based on the availability of their own component bases while ensuring an adequate level of quality is determined by the economic actors of the Russian IT industry.