List of publications on a keyword: «Абу Хатим Рази»

Философия (этика, эстетика, религиоведение, философия культуры, философии науки и др)

Publication date: 12.08.2016
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Davlat T. Niezbekov , candidate of philosophical sciences
Institute of Humanities named after B. Iskanderov , Tajikistan

«Abu Hatim al-Razi and an ancient thought»

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The paper deals with ideological cradles of outlooks belonging to insufficiently known in historico-philosophical science of East and West philosopher and Islamism preacher in hujjat range Abu Hatim al-Razi (873-934). It is worth mention to point out that neoplatonical school more than other philosophical ancient schools left its influence on our philosopher's outlook. Moreover the paper illuminates shortly philosophical views Persian-speaking thinkers living in one epoch with Abu Hatim al-Razi.


Publication date: 13.07.2016
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Davlat T. Niezbekov , candidate of philosophical sciences
Institute of Humanities named after B. Iskanderov , Tajikistan

«Ethical doctrine of Abu Hatim Razi»

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This article is a study of ethic views of Abu Hatim Razi philosophy. It should be noted that the ethical teaching of Abu Hatim Razi and Ismailism in general has not yet been studied at the level that they deserve.