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Publication date: 16.03.2016
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Eduard G. Dadyan , candidate of engineering sciences , associate professor
FSFEI of HE "Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation" , Москва г

«The high efficiency of innovative educational technologies»

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Student learning takes place as scheduled in the computer lab and at home on their own computers in thin client mode and cloud technologies. In line with the studied material discipline, students can take advantage of the cloud services. Attracting innovative methods has allowed roughly halved to intensify the process of learning material, boost academic performance (approximately 40–50%) and dramatically improve motivation to study discipline.

Publication date: 17.03.2016
Evaluate the material Average score: 5 (Всего: 1)
Mariya M. Avramenko
Irina P. Klemantovich , doctor of pedagogic sciences
FSBEI of HE "Moscow State University of Education" , Москва г

«Relationships within the family as a factor in a child's upbringing»

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This article makes you think people, especially the young generation, that to be parents, first you need to learn this. The author writes about how relationships within the family affect the growing personality of the child and considers it this way so that people could see a new task in his life. The author writes from a modern perspective of how to adapt man to the future, what we need to teach parents and how to help the person. This article describes a study of family relations on the basis of such techniques as: "drawing the family" and "Three trees" and methods "the Distribution of children by status categories", where the results were obtained and analyzed.

Publication date: 17.03.2016
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Natalya V. Morozova
Arkadiy S. Bryazgin , candidate of engineering sciences
Aleksandr M. Vostryakov
Centr razvitija professional'nogo obrazovanija GBOU VO MO «Akademija social'nogo upravlenija» , Москва г

«Resource center as a network form of realization of educational programs SPO»

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The article summarizes the experience of the sectoral resource centers (hereinafter – RTS) Moscow region on the basis of professional educational organizations (hereinafter VET). Presents their list, the main activities, functions and the results of monitoring web pages, the RC published on the websites of POO MO. Proposed for discussion an approach to developing interdisciplinary course, aimed at its implementation in resource centers.

Publication date: 16.03.2016
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Sergey V. Beleckiy , candidate of pedagogic sciences
FSBEI of HE "Moscow State Linguistic University" , Москва г
Irina N. Antonova
Pavel A. Kondratyev
FSBEI of HE "Plekhanov Russian University of Economics" , Москва г

«Educational software in teaching physical culture of the modern university»

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The article considers modern trends in resolution the problem of low knowledge in terms of physical culture. The authors claim there is a crucial need for active courseware incorporation providing students with educational materials of a new type. They establish the point in formation of the knowledge monitoring system by means of digital textbooks and the importance of improving existing assessment tools.

Publication date: 16.03.2016
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Galina A. Budnikova , candidate of pedagogic sciences
Liliya B. Kostenko
«Institute of a development of education», Russia, Astrakhan , Астраханская обл

«Professional development of pedagogical workers with application of remote educational technologies: regional aspect»

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Methods and stages of development of distant educational technologies in the system of professional development were considered in the article. Problems of this process were represented and methods of solving mentioned problems were given.

Publication date: 16.03.2016
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Galina V. Grishina
Marina A. Aryamnova , degree-seeking student , senior instructor
Institute of philology and verbal communication of Siberian Federal University , Красноярский край

«The peculiarities of material choosing for the english language textbooks for the students of non-linguistic specialities»

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The article distinguishes the special teaching features, the difficulties which students are faced with, the importance degree of creating correct textbooks by means of underlining the keynotes which are necessary to use, basic text principles and the criterion of its choosing is considered.

Publication date: 16.03.2016
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Mihail V. Badashkeev , candidate of pedagogic sciences
MBEI "GES of Tarasa" , Иркутская обл

«Social partnership in development personal and professional rural school students»

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In this article we consider the possibilities of social partnership of rural school and the agricultural enterprises, farms, job center in development personal and professional self-determination of rural school students, and also organizational and pedagogical actions are presented to realization of social tests.

Publication date: 16.03.2016
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Marta I. Balikoeva , candidate of pedagogic sciences
Valentina P. Rubaeva , candidate of pedagogic sciences , доцент
Larisa M. Delieva , candidate of philological sciences , профессор
FSBEI of HE “North Caucasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy (State Tech-nological University)” , Северная Осетия - Алания Респ

«Effects of different level factors on the formation of moral and value priorities of the students in the modern multicultural university environment»

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The article deals with studying the process of forming moral values of students, which should be considered as a certain historical phenomena, closely connected with economical, political, socio-cultural, national and regional peculiarities. The task of the higher educational establishment is to provide social maturity of students, self-determination of a personality and forming its stand in life on this basis.