Submission Requirements

We publish in our journal the most important scientific works that have not been previously published elsewhere, relevant to category, having scientific novelty and containing materials of author's own research.

Article volume should be not less than 5 pages, including abstract, keywords, tables, figures and references.

Uniqueness - not less than 35%.

The article should contain UDC (in case of its' abscence a common code will be listed according to UDC directory ).

A prerequisite for the publication is the presence of the review.

Article language should be Russian or English.

Articles should be written in MS Word 2003-2016 text editor and edited strictly according to the following parameters:

  • Sheet orientation-bookish,
  • size А4,
  • fields 2 cm on the perimeter of the page,
  • font Times New Roman,
  • font size for all items except tables – 14 pt,
  • font size for tables – 12 pt,
  • line spacing – 1.5,
  • alignment on the page width,
  • indent – 1 cm (without the use of "the Tab" key or the "Space").

Is not permitted:

  • pagination;
  • Use the text page breaks;
  • The use of automatic paged links;
  • The use of automatic hyphenation;
  • The use a low-density or compacted letter spacing.

The tables are typed in MS Word. Tables should have numbers and names, which must be listed on the tables.

Graphic material (Paintings, drawings, diagrams, photographs) should be a summary of research materials. Graphic material should be of high quality, if necessary, the publisher may require to provide the material in separate files in jpg format with a resolution of at least 300 dpi. The names and numbers of graphic material should be listed under the image.

Formulas and mathematical symbols should be made either in MS Word using the built-in equation editor or MathType Editor.

Tables, graphic material and formulas should not exceed the specified fields.

Abstract – is obligatory. Recommended average volume of abstracts should contain 500 symbols (ГОСТ 7.9-95), and should briefly reflect the structure of the article and be informative.

The abstract should be structured clearly, stated concisely and contain basic factual information and the conclusions presented in the work. In order to avoid distortion of the meaning transfer while translation into English the title, abstract and keywords it is forbidden to use electronic translators.

Abstract is a brief statement of the exact content of the document, which includes the basic factual information and the conclusions of the work described. Abstract text should be concise and clear, free from background information with solid formulations. The information contained in the title of the article should not be repeated in the abstract.

Abstract (author's abstract) performs the function of a reference tool (for library or Abstract Service), which allows the reader to understand whether he should read read the full article or not.

Structure of the abstract should include the following aspects of article content: the object, the subject, the purpose of work; method or methodology of work; results; the scope of the results; conclusions.

Abstract text should use syntax constructions inherent to language of scientific and technical documents, avoid complex grammatical structures that are not applicable in scientific English. Abstract text in English should imply terminology that is characteristical for foreign special texts, and it is recommended to use significant words from the text. Abbreviations and symbols except commonly used (including the English-speaking special texts), are used in exceptional case or their definitions shoudld be given at the first use.

It should be emphasized that the author's resume is designed to perform the function of an independent from the article source of information.

Author's information should contain: name, surname, patronymic, position, academic degree and place of work. This information should be presented in Russian and English languages and be located at the end of the article after the list of references.

List of references is required and must include all the works used by the author. The editors motivate writers to work with modern information sources (not later than 2 years old), because the reference to the outdated literary sources is remarked by international experts, and causes doubt about the relevance of the material presented in the article. If there is no list of references when loading paper into the and other services the paper is automatically marked as unscientific and falls into the category of "uncertain"(UNK).

Not more than 20% of self-citation published in other printed sources is allowed.

List of references in accordance with ГОСТ Р 7.0.5-2008 in alphabet order. References to the relevant source should be in square brackets (for example: [1, с. 233]).

We recommend using the Citation Generator for a proper article formatting.

The correct description of the sources used in reference list is the guarantee that the cited publication will be taken into account when assessing the scientific work of its authors, organization, region, country.

Sample of article design

Publish article


II Ivanov, NP Sidorov


Keywords (in Russian): set of keywords to include concepts and terms mentioned in the article and indicating the relevance and novelty of the studies and their results.
Abstract (in Russian): The abstract should not repeat the name, should be expanded and accurately reflect the content of: perspective, research methods, results.

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1. Halperin, VM Microeconomics [Text]: in 3 volumes: the textbook / VM Halperin, S. Ignatiev, Morgunov VI; Ed. VM Galperin. - Moscow: Omega-L; St. Petersburg: economicus, 2010 - Volume 3: Collection of problems: a tutorial. - 2010. - 171 p.
2. Emelyantseva, MV Concession agreements - a new type of cooperation with the state / MV Emelyantseva // [Electronic resource] / Access:

Ivanov Ivan Ivanovich - cand. Philology. Sciences, associate professor of literature and Russian language FGBOU VO "Chuvash State University named after Ulyanov", Russia, Cheboksary.
Nikolai Sidorov - cand. Philology. Sciences, associate professor of literature and Russian language FGBOU VO "Chuvash State University named after Ulyanov", Russia, Cheboksary.