Instructions for authors

The procedure of applying for a publication

1. To publish your article in the scientific journal you should send an electronic version of the paper to the editors by completing the form "Online Submissions". Material of the work in terms of its content must comply with the directions of the journal and Submission requirements.

2. When filling the form "Online Submissions", the author needs to read and accept the terms of the offer contract.

3. All the authorial materials received by the editorial board are recorded. Each application is assigned a unique registration number, which is send by e-mail to the address provided as a contact address.

4. After the publication of the article the composition of the authors and their order are not subject to any change, i.e., addition, deleting and permutation are rearrangement.

5. The articles are published in the order of arrival upon processing of the applications submitted.

6. Withdrawal of already published articles is carried by the editorial board in case of revealing of the facts of fabrication or falsification of data and plagiarism. The authors, readers, reviewers or editors can also initiate the removal of the article by addressing the editorial board of the journal in written form.

Publication criteria

1. The manuscript submitted to the editorial board must be complete and copyread, contain reliable information concerning the results of the study, be notable for in scientific novelty, possess theoretical and practical importance. The text must include grounded conclusions and do not require modifications.

2. It is not allowed to publish the works which are contrary to the art. 4 of the Law of Russian Federation from 27.12.1991 №2124-1 (ed. in 14.07.2022) "On Mass Media".

3. Accepting of the materials occurs in strict compliance with Journal's policy. Original high-quality scientific papers are accepted for publication. All the articles are checked for plagiarism by "AntiPlagiat" system. The originality of the text proposed for publication in the journal must be at least 75%.

You can use the text of certain passages of other authors’ articles (in Russian, English or other languages), but it is mandatory to enclose such passages as citations with the links to the source or obtain the permission of the previous publisher or copyright owner.

4. The articles failed to meet the publication criteria are not considered. In case of an application rejection the author is sent a reasoned refusal. In case of identifying plagiarism in the process of reviewing, the author, the relevant institution and the sponsoring organization (if any) will be sent a notification of publication refusal for the reason stated above.

Reviewing order

1. Every article received by the publishing house for consideration is reviewed in accordance with the reviewing regulations, according to the results of which the work can be either rejected, or sent to the author for revision or recommended for publication in the journal.

2. The articles reviewing is carried out in two stages: editorial and independent.

3. The journal's editorial office sends the authors of presented materials copies of peer-reviews.

4. In case of refusal to publish an article publishing department sends its author a reasoned notification of the decision.

5. Basing on the results of the peer-review, the editorial board makes the final decision about the publication.

6. In case of a positive decision on publication, an information letter that indicates the amount of the registration fee and the check dates of publication is sent to the author.

7. Peer-review is kept in editorial office for 5 years.

8. The journal's editorial office sends copies of peer-reviews to Ministry of Science and Higher Education upon reception of correspondent inquiry by the editorial office.


Materials published in journal are freely available and posted on the website in accordance with the Journal policy.

2. Works that have never been published are considered for publication. The authors submit original works without plagiarism, having no parallel publication elsewhere. When applying for publication the authors automatically confirm that they have the copyright on published material, including text of the article and paintings, drawings, photographs and spreadsheets placed in it.

3. After the manuscript’s publication in the journal the use of the article materials is available under the license Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0).

License Creative Commons

4. Accepting the terms of the offer agreement, the author conveys the editors the right to use any materials of the article by any way not inconsistent with the law while maintaining its authorship in accordance with para. 2 art. 1270 of CC of РF.

Rules of article Formatting

1. The Article sent to the editorial board, must correspond to the direction of the journal and submission requirements.

2. Before the text of the article the following data must be indicated in the mentioned sequence:

  • author (authors) – names and initials of the authors, title and place of work (full legal name of the institution) in Russian;
  • article title in Russian;

Requirements to the title are informative value, capacity, and use of only common abbreviations;

  • key words (phrases) and abstract in Russian;

3. Article text must be typed in 14 size of Times New Roman font with 1.5 spacing and in Word format. Formulae should be typed in MS Word or using the built-in equation editor or in MathType Editor.

Articles in Russian and English languages are accepted for publication.

Quoted text from other publications should be written in quotation marks.

If research in a submitted article is performed with someone's financial support, at the end of the article it is necessary to give information on funding marking the number and title of the grant (research project, state contract etc).

Abbreviations and symbols of physical quantities in article text should be in conformity with the international standards.

The graphical material (pictures, drawings, diagrams, photographs) should be a summary of research materials. Graphic material should be of high quality, if it is necessary, the publisher may require to provide the material in separate files in jpg format with a resolution of 300 dpi. The titles and numbers of graphic material should be listed under the image.

The tables should be written succinctly and include only the necessary information and represent pooled and statistically processed data, which must be interpreted in the text. Each table should have a number and title.

4. The work should have an attachment bibliography (list of references), written according to State Standard Р 7.0.5-2008. In accordance with the requirements of the international system of citation, list of reference must be presented not only in the original language, but also in Latin.

5. UDC index is located in the upper left corner of the first page. The list of classification codes UDC can be found here.

Sample of article Formatting can be found here.