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Publication date: 05.05.2016
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Gennadiy G. Haydarov , candidate of engineering sciences , associate professor
Andrey G. Haydarov , candidate of engineering sciences, associate professor , associate professor
St. Petersburg State Technological Institute (Technological University) , Санкт-Петербург г

«Interconnection between melting, boiling and critical points»

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We received theoretical formulas of the interconnection between melting, boiling and critical temperatures. Uniform physical representation of melting, boiling and evaporation processes was the basis for deriving the formula of interconnection between them. We use the concept of the material substance internal energy in terms of the molecules “unpacking” idea. The reference manual data on 85 substances from 13 to 855 degrees Kelvin confirms the theoretically derived formulas. We carried out the comparison of theoretical formulas and experimental data by their mean values. A simple ideal substance model with spherical molecules was considered as a model of substance molecule. The melting point is 1/3, and the boiling point ranges from 1/2 to 2/3 of the critical point for this model.

Publication date: 06.05.2016
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Viktor I. Kulik , candidate of engineering sciences
Ivan V. Kulik , candidate of economic sciences
FSEI of HE “Pacific State University” , Хабаровский край

«Structural organization of planetary systems in multi-mass solar system»

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Solar system research should start from observing the Earth and the surrounding space. Such relevant parameters as mass (of the Earth and the Moon), average distance (between the Earth and the Moon, between the Sun and planetary system “Earth”) and the period of rotation (of the planetary systems “Moon – Earth” and “Earth – Sun”) are the base for our research. Thus, we can put interdependent key parameters values of all planetary systems in order, taking the Earth parameters as a zero point.