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Publication date: 07.12.2016
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Guli M. Saatova , doctor of medical sciences , профессор, заведующий отделом ревматологии и неревматических болезней сердца, ведущий научный сотрудник
Alla B. Furtikova , candidate of medical sciences
National Center for Maternity and Childhood Protection , Kyrgyzstan
Baktygul T. Zhanturaeva
Osh Interregional Children's Hospital , Kyrgyzstan

«The risk of children’s congenital heart disorder development in Kyrgyzstan»

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This article defines the factors forecasting significancy, affecting development, birth and survival rate of the children with congenital heart disorder. The families with children with congenital heart disorder and without it and 105 children with congenital heart disorder are studied. The authors use such research methods as polling and complex clinical and functional examination of children with congenital heart disorder. More important factors, indicating the high risk of the baby with congenital heart disorder impregnation, baby’s formed congenital heart disorder probability, characteristics, designating the chance of live birth with congenital heart disorder are considered.

Publication date: 07.12.2016
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Marsel V. Nasyrov
Clinics of SFEI of HE «Samara State Medical University» of the Russian Federation Ministry of Health , Самарская обл
Viktor N. Lukyianchikov
SFI of SO "Municipal hospital No7" , Самарская обл

«Photodynamic therapy in the treatment of trophic venous ulcers»

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This article describes the analysis of results of treatment of 126 patients with trophic ulcers of the lower extremity venous etiology. Photodynamic therapy was used in the I group patients (n = 77). The standard treatment was performed in the II group (n = 49). The authors showed that the use of photodynamic therapy helped to reduce preoperative period 3 times and to make autodermaplasty of trophic ulcers in the I group on 5,2 ± 0,4 days. Full autodermotransplantata engraftment was observed in the I group in 75,4% of patients and in the II group – 46,8%. Photodynamic therapy has a strong antibacterial effect and improves the processes of epithelialization.

Publication date: 12.12.2016
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Elena A. Neofitova
Klara V. Pushkina , candidate of pedagogic sciences
FSBEI of HE “I.N. Ulianov Chuvash State University” , Чувашская Республика - Чувашия
Natalia N. Neofitova
MBGI «Yantikovo SGS" of Yantikovo District, Chuvash Republic , Чувашская Республика - Чувашия

«Study of exogenous factors on the state and properties of hair on the human head by using various methods of microscopy»

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In the article the effect of exogenous factors on the state and properties of hair on the human head using various techniques of microscopy as well as other morphometric methods are studied; on the basis of experimental samples the physical properties of healthy hair and the hair damaged by external factors by using microscopy techniques were compared; the article presents the values of pH and the content of surfactants (sulfates) in different brands of shampoos and soaps, and their impact on the condition of the hair was determined; on the basis of microscopy techniques the condition of the cuticle after using different detergents for hair care was characterized; a relationship between the color of the hair and the influence of external factors on the structure and condition of the hair was analyzed; the signs of the impact of external factors (chemical, thermal, mechanical) on the state and structure of the hair, using an optical (light) and an usb-microscopes were identified.

Publication date: 07.12.2016
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Evgeniy V. Dyabkin , candidate of medical sciences
FSFEI of HE "Professor V.F. Voyno-Yasenetsky Krasnoyarsk State Medical University" of Russian Federation Ministry of Health , Красноярский край

«To the question about the etiology of morbidity peritonitis (according to the Road Clinical Hospital on Krasnoyarsk station)»

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According to the article a retrospective analysis of 100 case histories of patients diagnosed with peritonitis, treatment in the first surgical department of Road Clinical Hospital on Krasnoyarsk station for the period from 2006 to 2009 it was found that the maximum number of patients with peritonitis are people from 19 to 36 years old (46%), in 2008 the peak incidence of peritonitis (40%) was observed. The research of the etiology incidence of peritonitis was made. It was established that one of the main etiological factors in the development of this disease is acute appendicitis abscess.

Publication date: 06.12.2016
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Anna V. Sablina
Saint Petersburg SFHI “Children’s Municipal Clinic №68” , Санкт-Петербург г
Galia F. Kutusheva , doctor of medical sciences
FSFEI of HE “Saint Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University” of Russian Ministry of Health , Санкт-Петербург г
Olga V. Lavrova , doctor of medical sciences
Research Institute of Pulmonology SFEI of HE “I.P. Pavlov First Saint Peters-burg State Medical University” , Санкт-Петербург г

«Hypertensive disorders and preeclampsia in pregnant women with bronchial asthma»

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The article describes extragenital diseases of the mother disrupts fetal development which can lead to disease or even death. It is noted that 70% of pregnant women have chronic somatic pathology, exacerbation of various diseases – asthma, anemia, pyelonephritis, and others are occurred in 76% during pregnancy. Bronchial asthma is not a contraindication to pregnancy, but the exacerbation of the disease during pregnancy, lack of proper control can lead to negative consequences for both the mother and the child. A number of studies, made by the authors, has shown that patients with severe or uncontrolled course of BA have a higher risk of a number of complications of pregnancy and childbirth. One of the most common complications of the second half of pregnancy was hypertensive disorders and preeclampsia.