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Publication date: 05.09.2017
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Aleksandr N. Zlygostev , candidate of economic sciences
FSBEI of HE "Ural State University of Economics" , Свердловская обл

«Methodology of functional and cost approach to improvement of a control system of corporation in modern conditions»

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According to the author, the corporate structure of economic entities is objective need today owing to the fact that the created conditions of acceleration of economic development of the country often demand association of several legal entities and individuals conducting an entrepreneurial activity to achieve the required result. At the same time, the corporation is not independent legal form and its activity is not regulated by the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. In this regard, there is a set of various interrelations and the relations of economic entities which are based on a basis of self-government and membership of participants of corporation on long-term contractual and contract conditions. This, in turn, predetermines the search of new, most effective forms and methods of formation and development of control systems of corporations including increases in level of their personnel potential.

Publication date: 04.08.2017
Evaluate the material Average score: 2 (Всего: 1)
Grigory L. Kharevich , candidate of economic sciences
Belorussian State University , Belarus

«About the free-rider problem in post-industrial society»

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The article is devoted to the study of the free-rider problem in a postindustrial society. This problem is often always discussed from the point of view of evading by some individuals from payments in financing public goods production, which reduces the possibility of their optimal production. But the costs of individuals consist not only of such payments. And if the consumption of these benefits is possible without compensation by individuals for the financial costs of their production, then from a different kind of costs - the expenditure of personal time for their consumption (in the postindustrial society it is a rare economic resource for and individual), they cannot evade, and this can change the consequences of the free-rider problem. Therefore, when the theory, speaking of the free-rider problem, focuses attention on non-payment of taxes and losses of suppliers of goods, it should be taken into account that in post-industrial society, the stowaways themselves will suffer losses, since by their actions they increase not only the expenses of the personal time of all consumers, but also their own. Therefore, it is necessary to solve the free-rider problem not only from the point of view of evading payments, but also from the standpoint of the costs of the personal time of consumers of goods.