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Publication date: 26.09.2017
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Nataliia A. Chebotariova
Aliona A. Aleksandrova
Sevastopol Brunch of Lomonosov Moscow State University , Севастополь г

«Cross-cultural features of gestures in non-verbal communication»

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This article is devoted to analysis of the concept of non-verbal communication and ways of expressing it. Gesticulation is studied in detail as it is the main element of non-verbal communication and has different characteristics in various countries of the world.

Publication date: 19.09.2017
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Elena V. Ushakova
FSBEI of HE "Voronezh State University" , Воронежская обл

«Verbalization of the “threat” concept in the Russian language»

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The author examines the “threat” concept in the Russian language, as well as provides the main goal of the work – to describe the “threat” concept as one of the types of a conflict manifestation.