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Тема номера

Publication date: 18.10.2017
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Vladimir A. Vorobev , candidate of agricultural sciences
Aleksandr V. Vorobev , candidate of agricultural sciences
FSBMI "the Ural Research Agricultural Institute" , Свердловская обл

«The specificity of grain accumulation in the production of spring wheat varieties in the South-West of Sverdlovsk Region»

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The article presents the results of the influence of rainfall on the length of the growing season, yield potential, growth of grain per day and 1 mm of rainfall of such spring wheat varieties which are wide-spread in the Volga-Vyatka region as Irgina, Iren, Ekatherina, Svecha, Gornouralskaya, Svecha, Bazhenka, Zlata, Krasnoufimskaya 100, Simbircit, Omskaya 36, Ekada 70.


Publication date: 16.11.2017
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Alina M. Kushmanova
RSE on the REU "L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University" , Kazakhstan
Akhan B. Abzhalelov , doctor of biological sciences
RGP "Respublikanskaia kollektsiia mikroorganizmov" , Kazakhstan

«Thе dеvеlорmеnt оf рrоbiоtic рrераrаtiоns bаsеd оn lаctic аcid bаctеriа аnd рlаnt rеsiduеs»

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Аbstrаct: thе wоrld mаrkеt оf biорrераrаtiоns is аctivеlу dеvеlорing, аs thе рrоductiоn оf а lоt оf рrоbiоtic рrераrаtiоns bаsеd оn lаctic аcid bаctеriа is еstаblishеd. Рrоbiоtic рrераrаtiоns аrе usеd in mеdicinе аnd fооd industrу аs mеdicinеs оr biоlоgicаllу аctivе аdditivеs. Аt thе sаmе timе, thе mеchаnisms fоr thе dеvеlорmеnt оf dуsbiоtic cоnditiоns аrе аssоciаtеd nоt оnlу with thе inhibitiоn оf thе rеsidеnt micrоflоrа аnd thе рорulаting оf thе biоtоре оf thе ореn mucоsа оf thе humаn bоdу bу cоnditiоnаllу раthоgеnic micrооrgаnisms, hоwеvеr аlsо аccоmраniеd bу mоrрhо-functiоnаl disоrdеrs оf thе mucоsа. Lаctic аcid bаctеriа in thе cоmроsitiоn оf рrоbiоtic рrераrаtiоns cоuntеrаct thе sеttling оf thе biоtоре bу cоnditiоnаllу раthоgеnic micrооrgаnisms, hоwеvеr thеу dо nоt imрrоvе thе mоrрhо-functiоnаl stаtе оf thе mucоsа, оr, mоrе рrеcisеlу, dо nоt еxеrt аn аnti-inflаmmаtоrу аnd cуtорrоtеctivе еffеct. Hоwеvеr such рrореrtiеs аrе роssеssеd bу mаnу рhуtорrераrаtiоns, еxtrаcts оf mеdicinаl рlаnts, including thе bаlsаmic рорlаr еxtrаct. Thеrеfоrе, thе dеvеlорmеnt оf а biорrераrаtiоn bаsеd оn рrоbiоtic аctivе micrооrgаnisms аnd рlаnt еxtrаcts, chаrаctеrizеd bу аnti-inflаmmаtоrу аnd cуtорrоtеctivе аctiоn is раrticulаrlу rеlеvаnt.

География и геология

Publication date: 13.11.2017
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Alina Z. Galeeva
Ekaterina A. Sliva
FSBEI of HE "Nizhnevartovsk State University" , Ханты-Мансийский Автономный округ - Югра АО

«Historical and mapping research of Khanty-Mansiisk autonomous district – Yugra»

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The object of the research is the borders of the territory of Khanty-Mansiisk autonomous district – Yugra in relation to historical maps of the Russian Empire of various years. The article describes the stages of geographic information systems development and their use in different spheres of person’s activities.


Publication date: 01.11.2017
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Andrei Y. Tikhomirov , candidate of medical sciences
Olga V. Minyaeva , candidate of medical sciences
Roman A. Tikhomirov
FSBEI HE "Bashkir State Medical University" of the Ministry of Healthcare of the Russian Federation , Башкортостан Респ

«Therapeutic and prophylactic value of corrective gymnastics in children with impaired posture engaged in asymmetric sports»

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The article provides the study that was conducted among young female athletes engaged in table tennis and having a violation of posture, with an assessment of metric and strength indicators. In the experimental group in parallel training a course of corrective gymnastics was conducted. The high efficiency of a combination of regular sports training and corrective gymnastics is established with a leveling of negative influence on the posture of asymmetrical sports.


Publication date: 31.10.2017
Evaluate the material Average score: 1 (Всего: 1)
Anna S. Petrova
Iuliia V. Afanasyeva
Natalia N. Levkina , candidate of economic sciences, associate professor
FSBEI of HE "Tula State Lev Tolstoy Pedagogical University" , Тульская обл

«Informatization of education: problems and prospects»

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The article deals with current problems and perspectives of informatization of education. Information technologies occupy a special place in the information society. The use of information technologies in the educational process makes it significantly more efficient. However, there are a number of issues complicating the process of education informatization.

Publication date: 18.10.2017
Evaluate the material Average score: 1 (Всего: 1)
Evgeniia P. Valova
MBOU Gimnaziia 2 g.o. Krasnoznamensk Moskovskoi oblasti , Московская обл

«Development of communicative competences of the 8th and 9th grade students in the process of modern design and research activity»

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This article analyzes the theoretical prerequisites for the formation of communicative competences for the 8th and 9th grade students of the main school in the implementation of State educational standard of a basic general education. These competences are formed in the process of psychological and pedagogical support of the design and research activities of students. The author's experience in psychological and pedagogical support of contemporary design and research activities of the 8th and 9th grade students through their participation in competitions at various levels aimed at communicative competencies development, as well as preparation for choice of studies and further professional self-determination, is considered.

Publication date: 10.10.2017
Evaluate the material Average score: 5 (Всего: 1)
Viktoriia L. Bernshteyn , candidate of pedagogic sciences, associate professor
Institute of Business Studies of FSBEI HE “The Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration” , Москва г

«Extracting information as a main component of productive reading»

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The article analyses and provides the reasons for successful development of students’ abilities to read professional texts and elicit significant information. It is defined that for the development of the ability to understand the gist of the text it is necessary to include systematic teaching of unprepared reading in the classroom work. The work has to be based on special exercises, classroom practice and additional language material.

Publication date: 10.10.2017
Evaluate the material Average score: 5 (Всего: 1)
Yuliia V. Nazhimova
Cheliabinskii filial ZAO "PF "SKB Kontur" , Челябинская обл

«Teaching younger schoolchildren programming within the framework of a supplementary education system»

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The article generalizes the experience of the teachers from the Educational Institution for Pioneers and Schoolchildren in Chelyabinsk city on teaching younger students basics of programming. The article also offers a variety of software products that help students to be more interested in this subject.


Publication date: 31.10.2017
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Oksana N. Tolkacheva
FSBEI of HE "N.G. Chernyshevsky Saratov State Research Institute" , Саратовская обл

«Structural dynamic social support model for posttraumatic growth facilitation»

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The study of a social support for posttraumatic growth facilitation is described in the article. The strong correlation between posttraumatic growth and the basic assumption about just world is revealed. Stress and depression reduction is correlated with the basic assumption about a benevolent world. The evidence that the basic assumptions after trauma are affected by the social support qualities is reviewed. Based on qualitative interview data acute adaptation, adaptation, institutional and post-institutional long-term posttraumatic periods of time are pointed out. Supportive interactions for posttraumatic growth facilitation over the long-term posttraumatic periods of time were identified.

Publication date: 31.10.2017
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Aleksandr N. Pashkov , doctor of biological sciences, professor
Olga V. Myachina , candidate of medical sciences, associate professor
Liana G. Velichko , candidate of medical sciences
FSBEI of HE «Voronezh State Medical University named after N.N. Burdenko» of the Ministry of Public Health of the Russian Federation , Воронежская обл

«Cohesion assessment of student groups from the faculty of dentistry at Burdenko Voronezh State Medical University»

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The article presents data on the study of the cohesion of 115 students from the faculty of dentistry at Burdenko Voronezh State Medical University. The study revealed that students have high and medium favorable psychological climate. 99 of them have the average level of group cohesion, and 16 revealed a low level of this indicator. To improve the educational process and interpersonal relations, these results must be taken into account when forming groups.

Publication date: 02.11.2017
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Nina D. Apraksina , candidate of pedagogic sciences
Almetyevsk State Oil Institute , Татарстан Респ

«Thought – word – deed»

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The author focuses on a proper formation of the thought, based on a common sense and logical sequential chain of thought forms. There disclosed the ternary principle of creation process – the interdependence of thoughts, words and deeds. The article examines two groups of thoughts, steps for forming true thoughts in everyday life, dependency on the factor of sound and the factor of syllable in forming speech, the present moment of human life as the only existing reality for development, recommendations for practical use of research data.

Сельское хозяйство

Publication date: 28.09.2017
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Eduard V. Korotkikh , candidate of engineering sciences, associate professor
Liudmila V. Mitropolova , candidate of agricultural sciences
FGBOU VO "Primorskaia gosudarstvennaia sel'skokhoziaistvennaia akademiia" , Приморский край

«Current state of machine and tractor fleet in agriculture of Primorsky Krai»

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The article discusses current state of the machine and tractor fleet and provides the performance of providing the agricultural organizations with agricultural machinery in Primorsky Krai. The reasons limiting the purchase of equipment in the region and ways of their solution have been indicated in the article.

Publication date: 16.11.2017
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Andrey V. Bezgodov , candidate of agricultural sciences
Vadim F. Akhmetkhanov
FSBMI "the Ural Research Agricultural Institute" , Свердловская обл

«The reaction of Ekaterina wheat variety on the use of chemical and biological means of protection for plants and growth promoters»

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The article provides the research relating to the reaction of a new wheat variety “Ekaterina” to the application of chemical and biological plant protection agents and growth stimulants. The high ecological and climatic adaptability of Ekaterina wheat variety has been revealed and this is reflected in an insignificant decrease in crop yields (12–14%) under unfavorable conditions of cultivation in comparison with favorable conditions. The Ekaterina wheat variety have been processed with Grandsil Ultra, Zircon, Izagri Fors, Novosil preparations. This seed processing showed high efficiency during cold wet weather and hot dry-growing season. The effective seed processing of Ekaterina wheat variety with the Rostock, Fitolavin and Strekar preparations has been revealed only during extreme weather conditions.

Publication date: 13.11.2017
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Konstantin A. Galimov
Galina N. Potapova , candidate of agricultural sciences
Andrey V. Bezgodov , candidate of agricultural sciences
Tatiana V. Skakovskaya
FSBMI "the Ural Research Agricultural Institute" , Свердловская обл

«Yantarnaya is a new variety of fodder winter rye»

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The article has evaluation of four years observation of the prospective varieties of winter rye Yantarnaya in comparison with the standard in the nursery of the competitive variety trial of the Ural Scientific Research Institute for Agriculture in Yekaterinburg and the results of a two year test in the system of FGBU «Gossortkomissiya». A winter rye is widely used for bread baking mainly. This culture has resistance from negative environmental factors. The main cause of limited use of a winter rye grain for forage is high content water-soluble pentosans over 1.5%. They reduce availability of nutrients to an organism. Creation of varieties with low content of water-soluble pentosans is the rational solution of increase in use of parts of grain of a winter rye in forage production. Together with VIR, a variety with the required characteristics was transferred to the state grade testing. The observation took place in 2013–2017, with contrasts on the weather conditions. According to FGBU «Gossorgkomissiya», the variety has high potential productivity and significantly exceeds same low pentosan variety in the yield.

Publication date: 24.10.2017
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Galina N. Potapova , candidate of agricultural sciences
FSBMI "the Ural Research Agricultural Institute" , Свердловская обл
Mariia S. Ivanova
Urals State Agrarian University , Свердловская обл

«The influence of sowing period and seeding norm on autumn vegetation, winter hardiness and yield of winter cereal crops»

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The winter wheat and triticale in the middle part of the Ural Mountains haven’t been seeded before. The technology of winter crop cultivation should be improved due to the production of new varieties of winter rye. Winter hardiness and yield of winter rye are higher in comparison with winter triticale and especially with winter wheat. The sowing period and the seeding rate influence the amount of yield and winter hardiness. The winter hardiness of winter cereals and the yield of the rye variety Iset sowed on August 25 and the yield of the triticale variety Bashkir short-stalked and wheat Kazanskaya 560 sowed on August 15 were higher. It is important to sow winter grain in local conditions in the second half of August. The sowing this period allows to provide plants with the necessary amount of positive temperatures (450–500 °C). This helps the plants to form 3–4 shoots of tillering and a mass of 10 dry plants reaching 3–5 grams. The winter grain crops in the middle part of the Ural Mountains should be sown with seeding rates of 6 and 7 million of sprouting grains per 1 ha, and the seeds must be cultivated with fungicidal preparation before seeding.

Технические науки

Publication date: 01.11.2017
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Elena V. Orekhova
SAEI of HE "Moscow City University" , Москва г

«LMS as a tool for organization and support of e-education»

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The article provides an example of information system development to control education activity; defines basic functional requirements to the system and designs models of business processes.

Publication date: 24.10.2017
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Zukhrokhon M. Umarova , candidate of engineering sciences, associate professor
Khujand Politechnical Institute, Tajik Technical University named after academic M.S.Osimi , Tajikistan

«Mechanism of material movement and its description»

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The article provides the kinematics chart of mechanism of material movement of sewing machine and determination of law of lath motion at the different parameters of the system and its equalization. It also determins concrete values of linear speed of point Е of lever – laths at moving of material in sewing machines. A mechanism is worked out with the storage of energy as a conical spring, that operates at the horizontal moving of lath and a mechanism is executed as the reserved kinematics chain.

Publication date: 24.10.2017
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Manizha M. Nasimova , degree-seeking student
Khujand Politechnical Institute, Tajik Technical University named after academic M.S.Osimi , Tajikistan

«Analysis of stitched arrangements in belt machines»

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The article describes the main parameters that determine both the traction ability of the transmission and the life of the belt, which is the magnitude of the belt tension and its correspondence to the actual transfer load. The appendix shows the characteristics of the belts and their elasticity: shortening the belt when stitching or cross stitching for pulling; periodic movement.

Publication date: 24.10.2017
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Zukhrokhon M. Umarova , candidate of engineering sciences, associate professor
Uktam S. Mukhamedov , candidate of engineering sciences
Khujand Politechnical Institute, Tajik Technical University named after academic M.S.Osimi , Tajikistan

«Method of reduction of seismic impacts on the grounds with screening in loessic collapsing soil»

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The article presents new methods for the construction of anti-filtration screens. Their purpose is to reduce seismic influences on ground basis in constrained urban conditions. The results of a study on the design of veils and filler material are presented. The technology and equipment necessary for carrying out experimental and innovative work have been developed.

Publication date: 09.11.2017
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Khamrokhon O. Rakhimova , candidate of engineering sciences
Khujand Politechnical Institute, Tajik Technical University named after academic M.S.Osimi , Tajikistan

«A vibration analysis of led belt in interaction with the composite eccentric tension roller transmission»

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The article recommends a new scheme of the belt drive with PPO, provides the Law of the vibrational motion driven branch of a belt in contact with an elastic sleeve of the tensioner and shows graphical variation of the vibration amplitude of movement and the speed of belt driven branch in the function of values ​​of the eccentricity and roll stiffness of the elastic sleeve.

Publication date: 09.11.2017
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Ilia A. Shagabaev
Igor' P. Vasiliuk
FSBEI of HE "Moscow State University of Education" , Москва г

«The analysis of international and Russian rating systems for assessing the performance of universities»

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The study is dedicated to the analysis of International and Russian rating systems for assessing the performance of Universities of different World countries. The examples of rating scores of some of the Russian Leading Universities are given here. The indicators for Peoples' Friendship University of Russia (RUDN/PFUR) have also been deducted.


Publication date: 27.10.2017
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Maria A. Angaleva , candidate of philological sciences , associate professor
FSOMEI of HE "Military University" of the Ministry of Defense of Russian Federation , Москва г

«Implicit theories of a person and dialog integrity as a social formation»

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The article is devoted to the analysis of the role and significance of the image of a person, in a form of implicit theories to form the integrity of a dialogue as a social formation, to the analysis of a dialogue as a part of the social situation that presupposes setting various objects and tasks, to the analysis of the verbal integrity of a discourse in the light of the speaker’s conception of a person, i.e. proceeding from his implicit theories of a person that emerge in his ordinary consciousness. The organization of a dialogic discourse is directly connected with implicit theories of a person, which in their turn are a complex of the speaker’s images associated with his interlocutor. The unity and diversity of communicative senses dictate the verbal choice corresponding to the conceptions and images of interlocutors. Within the limits of the common informational field «I» and «you» of interlocutors enter into irreconcilable contradictions, at the same time the two-way character of speech intercourse within the limits of language communication is another factor of the social integrity of a dialogue, the variety of communicative senses is unified by informational, social, conceptual fields. The article analyzes literary examples and extracts from pre-election debates in USA both in Russian and in English.


Publication date: 31.10.2017
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Galiya M. Berdykulova , candidate of economic sciences
AO "International University of Informational Technologies" , Kazakhstan
Aslan A. Maldebekov , master of economic sciences

«Influence of organizational and project cultures on project success»

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The article is dedicated to studying the influence of organizational and project cultures on effective project management of the company by knowledge systematization and the comparative analysis of world companies’ practice that allowed to reveal the main factors and criteria of projects success and negative influence of organizational culture on the project; key aspects of corporate culture and cultural integration under the conditions of globalization.


Publication date: 09.10.2017
Evaluate the material Average score: 3 (Всего: 7)
Juliana A. Kitsai , candidate of juridical sciences, associate professor
FSAEI of HE "Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University" , Калининградская обл

«Denationalization of social sphere: theory and practice»

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A comparative analysis of economic and legal approaches to the process of denationalization is carried out in this article. A systematic approach was used to identify the main actors involved in the process of reforming the social sphere to identify the consequences of political and legal decisions.

Publication date: 02.11.2017
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Konstantin A. Vlasov
FGKOU VO "Dal'nevostochnyi iuridicheskii institut MVD Rossii" , Хабаровский край

«Risk-oriented banking supervision: understanding change of course»

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In this article the existing model of national bank supervision, its substantial party are considered. By means of the legal analysis and comparative jurisprudence foreign models of bank supervision, the international standards of the «soft» right are investigated, the analysis of an opportunity and positive sides of change of approach of the operating bank supervision to substantial (risk-focused) is made.