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Publication date: 06.08.2019
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Tamara V. Alekseeva , candidate of pedagogic sciences , dean, assistant professor
FSBEI HE “St. Petersburg State University of Film and Television” , Санкт-Петербург г

«Features of modern Internet Media as a substantive component of training»

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The article is devoted to the selection and updating of the training content of future media industry specialists. Since the rapid transformation of traditional media dictates the need to clarify and modernize the concepts of the media industry, updating of the substantive component of training is a priority for educational activities. Analyzing the processes of mass media development, the author considers a number of specific features underlying the principles of online media functioning; explores the concept of interaction between online media and the modern consumer; structural and technological transformations affecting the principles of content creation and associated with monetization. The questions discussed in the article will allow participants in the learning process to understand the multidimensionality of the modern mass media and to set guidelines for further research.

Publication date: 06.08.2019
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Viktoriya V. Serenej , master of pedagogic sciences , speech pathologist
SBEI of the Tyva Republic "Secondary school № 10 for children with disabilities" , Тыва Респ
Elena A. Kalyagina , candidate of psychological sciences , head of chair
FSFEI of HE "Katanov Khakass State University" , Хакасия Респ

«Psychological and pedagogical support of families raising children with disabilities»

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The article describes the main difficulties of child-parent relations in families where children with disabilities are raised, the content of psychological and pedagogical support of families raising children with disabilities is revealed. The purpose and main tasks of psychological and pedagogical support of families with children with disabilities are formulated. Stages of psychological and pedagogical support of the family raising children with disabilities, and also the main directions of work with a family within the Centers of early help and support are designated.