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Publication date: 22.10.2019
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Larisa V. Gerasimova , head of laboratory
Konstantin P. Ivanov , candidate of biological sciences , associate professor
The Institute of Experimental Sciences FSAEI of HE «M.K. Ammosov North-Eastern Federal University» , Саха /Якутия/ Респ

«Assessment of Quality of Sapropel Deposits of Lake Kubalah in Central Yakutia»

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The paper presents the content analysis of macro- and micro-elements in the sapropel deposits of Lake Kubalah, which will allow us to evaluate the quality of sapropel and its utilization efficiency as a valuable organo-mineral material. The authors of the article define relevance and novelty of the paper. The detailed analysis of sapropel deposits of Lake Kubalah, situated in terrace above the flood-plain of (Magan) flat cryolitic zone of Central Yakutia.