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Publication date: 19.05.2021
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Denis O. Kharchenko , regimental commander
Mikhail M. Kurochko , candidate of philosophical sciences , professor
FSOMEI of HE "Military University" of the Ministry of Defense of Russian Federation , Москва г

«Transhumanism and the Phenomenon of Superman»

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The article reveals the essence of transhumanism and its influence on the formation of the superhuman phenomenon. Transhumanism is assessed as the basis for the formation of the technogenic type of superhuman, as a new anthropological type, denying the existing man. There comes an era of a new confrontation in the world: Superman against man. This confrontation will lead to a new alignment in modern civilization.

Культурология и искусствоведение

Publication date: 14.05.2021
Evaluate the material Average score: 3 (Всего: 1)
Dariia G. Bragina , doctor of historical sciences , chief researcher fellow
AS RS(Ya) , Саха /Якутия/ Респ

«Ethnic Features of the Settlement of the Yakuts in the Late XX and Early XXI Centuries»

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As you know, the nature and use of space for the resettlement of ethnic groups is important for the study of ethnocultural identity and ethnicity in general. This article is devoted to the influence of the ethnic factor on the features of the settlement of the Yakuts, the indigenous population of the North-East of Siberia of the Russian Federation in extreme, sharply continental climate conditions. The author draws attention to the fact that the natural habitat acquires an ethnic orientation of survival in these conditions. It is now recognized that the indigenous people, like the Yakuts, have acquired high adaptive capabilities in extreme conditions for many generations. The bulk of the Yakuts live in the countryside of central Yakutia, and only a small part of the Yakut ethnic group lives in the northern ulus of the republic. On the territory of central Yakutia there are meadow «islands», the so-called alases (from the Yakut word «alaas») suitable for cattle breeding and horse breeding. Haymaking is the basis of the Yakuts' hay and pasture cattle breeding. Northern cattle breeding, with its haymaking as a traditional way of farming, is known to contribute to the formation of behavioral stereotypes of the Yakuts. Nevertheless, we note that in the modern conditions of globalization, industrial development of the North, value orientations are also changing, many traditional stereotypes of Yakut behavior are being overcome. The article draws attention to the traditional outlook of the Yakuts about the spiritual unity of man and nature, that the sustainable development of the Yakuts is largely related to the problem of the ecology of ethnic culture.


Publication date: 20.05.2021
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Angelina S. Koshelchenko , bachelor , kindergarten teacher
MBPEU “K/G 25 “Umka” , Хакасия Респ

«Organisation of Work on Sensory Development of Children of Junior Preschool Age Through Examination of Visual and Didactic Material»

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The importance of sensory development in junior preschool age is difficult to overestimate. This age is most optimal for improvement of receptors, accumulation of notions about the world around us. Sensory development is the task of intellectual, aesthetic and physical education. Complete sensory development can occur only in the process of organised sensory education when the notions of form, colour, size and features of different objects and materials, peculiarities of their positioning in space and so on.

Publication date: 13.05.2021
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Sofya V. Kobzeva , student
FSBEI of HE "M.E. Evsevev Mordovia State Pedagogical Institute" , Мордовия Респ

«Theoretical Aspects of the Formation of Dialogical Speech of Preschoolers with General Speech Underdevelopment»

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This article is devoted to the consideration of the theoretical aspects of the formation of dialogical speech in preschool children with general speech underdevelopment. The article examines the essence of dialogic speech, describes the features of the dialogic speech of preschoolers with general speech underdevelopment, offers ideas of activity based on fairy tales for the formation of dialogic speech among preschoolers with general speech underdevelopment.

Publication date: 13.05.2021
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Madina K. Lamkova
Natalia V. Grivennaia
SBEI of HE "Stavropol State Pedagogical Institute" , Ставропольский край

«Opportunities to Use Google Cloud Services in High School Computer Science Classes»

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The article examines the issue of usage of contemporary technologies in education. The authors describe some of the functions of GoogleDocs cloud services and how to implement them at various stages of computer science lessons.


Publication date: 23.05.2021
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Iaroslav V. Bykov , master's degree student
Vladimir K. Botnev , doctor of juridical sciences , associate professor
Insitute of Public Administration and Civil Service, FSBEI of HE “Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation” , Москва г

«Current Problems of the Use of Information and Telecommunication Technologies in Public Administration in the EU Countries»

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The article analyzes the problem of using information and telecommunications technologies in the system of public administration in the EU countries. Based on extensive statistical material, the main trends in the use of digital technologies that have begun to have a serious impact on European politics are described. It proves the need to reduce the gap between everyday life (which is firmly embedded in information technology) and traditional practices of public administration.


Publication date: 18.05.2021
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Lev B. Velgas , inventor-innovator, research expert
, Москва г
Liya L. Iavolinskaia , coordinator
ICPO "Vozrozhdenie" , Москва г

«Distance Has a Minimum Limit, Size, and Inertia, as It Turned Out Connected to This»

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The article states, given that Nature has distance limit, that the ancient paradox with the infinity of outrunning in the race between tortoise and Achilles can be successfully resolved and clarifies, first, why, how and where, with respect to zero starting point, a faster body will always outrun a slower one. Second, why objects maintain rest, and third, yet another prove that the existence of neutron star is unlikely.

Физическая культура и спорт

Publication date: 14.05.2021
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Ekaterina S. Bryleva , coach
SBE ORS №1 Saint-Petersbrug's Nevsky District , Санкт-Петербург г

«Application of Circuit Training Method for Development of Special Endurance in 15–16-Year-Old Girls»

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The present article raises the question of the development of special endurance in girl sprinters. For the purpose of more detailed examination of the question raised, the object, the subject and the aim of the study are clarified in the article. Practical guidelines are also present in the article.


Publication date: 30.04.2021
Evaluate the material Average score: 5 (Всего: 1)
Aleksandra V. Kulakova , master's degree student
FSBEI of HE “The Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration” , Москва г

«Financial Forecasting in Financial Management Strategy: Goals, Objectives, Methods»

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The activity of the enterprise is inseparable from the adoption of managerial decisions. Forecasting is one of the tools that helps management to assess the future performance. Financial forecasting plays a key role in the development of a company's strategy and is an integral part of financial management. This article discusses the tasks and methods of financial forecasting, as well as the factors on the basis of which the choice of forecasting methodology is made for a successful assessment of the financial position of an enterprise and making the right management decisions.

Publication date: 13.05.2021
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Thomas Jere , student
FSFEI of HE "Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation" , Москва г

«Marginal Analysis as the Basis for Decision Making»

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Margin analysis is a very powerful tool for modelling how individual producers and consumers make decisions. The basic idea is that decision makers make choices based on the comparative costs and benefits associated with small changes in a given state of the world. If the marginal benefits of a small change outweigh the marginal costs of that change, the decision maker makes that small change and then re-analyses for the next potential additional change. Margin analysis is an important component in modelling how producers make decisions to maximize profits and how consumers make decisions to maximize utility. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the different aspects of marginal analysis and how it may be applied in management accounting, therefore it encompasses a lot of aspects from how to evaluate actual opportunity costs to profit maximization and how these aspects can be applied in decision making, consequently this research will try to determine and infer whether the concept can be reliably applied in real life scenarios and be able to produce reliable results which can benefit firms to reduce costs and maximize their profits.

Publication date: 30.04.2021
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Thomas Jere , student
FSFEI of HE "Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation" , Москва г

«Comparative Analysis of Two German Banks»

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This article explains results of a comparative to test the performance of two top banks in the German banking industry analysis using a financial ratio analysis method. The main determinants considered are solvency and liquidity indicators, which make it possible to observe the risk behaviour of banks before and after the financial crisis. The hypothesis of the study is that the behaviour of German banks depends on bank-specific variables that affect the institution ’s loan policy. The universal banks in Germany can be divided into three main types of institutions: commercial, public sector and cooperative banks. The analysis is carried out on banks of the same category in a decomposed manner. Deutsche Bank and Commerzbank representing the commercial/Private sector. Checking each Bank separately is carried out to detect the similarities or differences that each bank may have in terms of bank performance. The empirical analysis involves a sample of these German banks observed during 2015–2019.