List of publications on a keyword: «legislative process»


Publication date: 10.04.2018
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Giulnara F. Kafarova
FSAEI of HE "Far Eastern Federal University" , Приморский край

«Definition of the term «lawmaking»: broad and narrow approaches»

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In the article various approaches to the definition of the concept of «lawmaking» are considered, the opinion of a number of large researchers of this issue is analyzed and the author's definition of the term is given. Despite the long-term discussion that continues in t broad scientific circles, a unified approach to the definition of the concept of «lawmaking» has not been worked out. This obvious legal gap creates confusion in the definition of the concepts of «law-making», «law-making», «legislative activity» and a number of others. This situation is unacceptable, which is evidence of the relevance of the issue under study.

Publication date: 20.02.2017
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Olga A. Fomicheva , candidate of juridical sciences
Orsk Humanitarian and Technology Institute (Brunch) FSBEI of HE «Orenburg State University» , Оренбургская обл

«The deputies as subjects of legislative initiatives»

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The terminology practice, which is used in the legislation of constituent entities of the Russian Federation at the legislative initiative deputies right is a subject of research to the legislative authority in Russia. The article shows the analysis of legal acts of constituent entities of the Russian Federation in order to highlight a systematic approach to the organization of the legislative process at the stage of the legislative initiative by deputies in regional parliaments. The investigation of the basic concepts used in relation to the association of deputies in regional parliaments as a subject of legislative initiative, has allowed to formulate the conclusion about the place of the deputy and deputy groups in the mechanism of legislative initiative.