List of publications on a keyword: «Key words: didactic game»

Педагогические науки

Publication date: 05.04.2017
Evaluate the material Average score: 2 (Всего: 3)
Elena S. Fenkina
Inna P. Mironenko
KGKP "Vostochno-Kazakhstanskii gumanitarnyi kolledzh" , Kazakhstan

«Использование игровых приемов при изучении темы «Имя прилагательное» в начальных классах»

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Annotation: The relevance of the theme of the work is predetermined by the development trends of the modern Kazakh school - ensuring the development of individual and creative abilities of each student. The choice of the game as an object of consideration and practical development is dictated by the fact that it can strengthen cognitive interest, facilitate the process of teaching, accelerate the development of a junior pupil. Incorporating into the situation of the didactic game.