List of publications on a keyword: «IPO»

История и политология

Publication date: 12.08.2020
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Elizaveta A. Teliatnikova
FSBEI of HE "Russian Academy of Music named after Gnesiny" , Москва г

«Lipovane: istoricheskaia spravka i geografiia rasseleniia»

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Ареалы островной культуры, вырванные из контекста своей корневой традиции, всегда представляли большой интерес для фольклористики. С точки зрения взаимного воздействия друг на друга различных культур и этносов островные ареалы – это настоящая находка для исследователей самых различных научных сфер, начиная от лингвистов и заканчивая антропологами и историками. Выбирая предметом рассмотрения традицию, оказавшуюся в чуждой этноконфессиональной среде, исследователи имеют уникальную возможность для более глубокого изучения сразу нескольких культур, взаимодействующих между собой. К таковым можно отнести многочисленные группы русских староверов, переживших вынужденную эмиграцию во второй половине XVII века и осевших на четырёх континентах (Северная и Южная Америка, Австралия, страны Европы) и более чем в десяти странах мира. Наиболее знамениты среди обывателей такие зарубежные старообрядческие коммуны, как духоборы и молокане, которые, пережив ряд переселений, осели в Канаде и США. В статье дается историческая справка и рассматривается география расселения по миру старообрядческих общин липован. Липованами называют старообрядцев, бежавших из России после раскола православной церкви в XVII в. На данный момент липованские анклавы рассредоточены на территориях Румынии, Молдавии, Буковины и в южных областях Украины.


Publication date: 29.11.2019
Evaluate the material Average score: 5 (Всего: 1)
Danil S. Tsygankov , cadet
Vadim N. Buriakov , lecturer
FSOMEI of HE "Novosibirsk Military Institute of Internal Military Forces named after I.K. Yakovlev of Russian MIA" , Новосибирская обл

«Russia in the Modern World. The Importance of the Federal National Guard Service in Maintaining Peace and Security»

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The article deals with the Russian normative orientation towards maintaining international peace and security, formation of a multipolar world model, cooperation and joint planning of strategic stability, and the forms of ensuring public security and public order by Rosgvardiya.

Технические науки

Publication date: 12.03.2019
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Vladimir I. Polenin , doctor of military sciences, candidate of engineering sciences , professor
FSOMEI of HE "Military University" of the Ministry of Defense of Russian Federation , Москва г

«Phenomenon of a single cause of the cluster-dipole nature of the observability of the area of hydrophysical disturbances from a submarine moving object by a laser beam and radar signal»

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Relationships of cause and effect which are the cornerstone of the phenomenon of observability of area of hydrophysical indignations from an underwater moving object, including its exit to a sea surface when lighting the area in the thickness of water by a laser beam and radiation of the sea surface over an object with a radar station signal are described in the article. In the stationary marine environment the laser beam creates a backscattering signal of a fixed level. In the area of hydrodynamic indignations from an underwater moving object the signal of a backscattering of variable brightness to the relevant structure and level of indignations is seen. The similar phenomenon of a backscattering of the electromagnetic radiation of radar station that creates glare effects on the screen of radar station in a zone of an exit of hydrodynamic indignations is observed on a water surface. It is shown that these phenomenons have similar nature caused by the change of dimensional orientation of dipoles of molecules and liquid crystals clusters of water in the field of the hydrodynamic indignations accompanying the moving of an underwater object. Establishing of this characteristic, in case of its confirmation by test data, meets the requirements of qualification of opening.


Publication date: 17.08.2017
Evaluate the material Average score: 5 (Всего: 1)
Sergey S. Solovyov , candidate of pedagogic sciences , associate professor, professor, full member (academician) and Vice-President of the International Public Academy of Environmental Security and Management
FSBEI of HE "Russian State Agrarian University – Moscow Timiryazev Agricultural Academy" , Москва г
Natalia V. Barinova
Club of healthy lifestyle "Sozvezdie" , Московская обл

«Clubs of healthy lifestyle – the perspective form of health improvement of Russians (on an example of students of state universities taking into account results of sociological research)»

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In article questions of formation of a healthy way of life at the Russian youth in modern conditions, by means of activity of advisers for a food in clubs of a healthy way of life are considered.


Publication date: 10.03.2017
Evaluate the material Average score: 5 (Всего: 1)
Bumki Be
FSBIS "Primakov National Research Institute of World Economy and International Relations RAS" , Москва г

«Foreign policy of leading countries from the viewpoint of realism and imperial policy»

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According to the author Imperial and imperialist policy led to war. The first and Second world wars led to the disappearance of the classical empires – Austro-Hungarian, British, French, German, Ottoman, Japanese. The post-Second world war bipolar world because of the logic of confrontation between two world systems largely continued to develop in international relations the logic of empires, the logic of the strict antagonism. The collapse of world socialist system led to the emergence of a unilateral world and the dominant role of one superpower, which is by the logic of Imperial policy pursued a policy of forced democratization. But such a condition could not last long, for neither the resources nor the capacity of this hegemony was not enough to ensure the peaceful development of mankind. More and more countries demanded a policy of non-interference in the internal affairs of other States, peaceful coexistence and cooperation within the framework of the cooperative strategy. Most people call it the multi-polar world. The transition from a unilateral to a multipolar world will require greater effort and resolution of international and inter-state matters on the basis of principles of equal security, compromises, and mutually beneficial cooperation.

Финансы, денежное обращение и кредит, бюджетная и налоговая политика

Publication date: 22.09.2015
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Dmitrii P. Khomiakov
FSAEI of HE "Southern Federal University" , Ростовская обл

«Международные IPO как наиболее перспективная форма IPO на глобальном финансовом рынке»

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В данной работе исследованы особенности и современные проблемы проведения международных первичных публичных размещений c использованием методов системного и статистического анализа, а также анализа литературных источников. Проведенное исследование выявило преимущества и недостатки проведения IPO на международных площадках. Также классическое определение IPO дополнено и раскрыто в контексте международного размещения