List of publications on a keyword: «it is personal – activity approach»

Парадигмы современного образования (различные направления)

Publication date: 20.10.2015
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Mihail V. Badashkeev , candidate of pedagogic sciences
MBEI "GES of Tarasa" , Иркутская обл

«Развитие личностно-профессионального самоопределения старшеклассников в условиях сельской школы»

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In this article various factors of the educational environment of rural school influencing development of personal and professional self-determination of seniors are considered. The author analyzes various theoretical positions of influence of the educational environment on formation of the personality, and also actions for development of personal and professional self-determination of seniors in the conditions of rural school are presented. Results of the forming experiment are presented in article, the following tasks are solved: formation of steady interest in a pedagogical profession; development of need for professional activity, receiving pleasure and satisfaction from pedagogical activity; formation of conviction in further choice of profession.