List of publications on a keyword: «junior school age»

Психолого-педагогические аспекты образования

Publication date: 31.05.2017
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Elena A. Skob
Elena V. Kulesh , candidate of psychological sciences
Pedagogical Institute of FSEI of HE “Pacific State University” , Хабаровский край

«Specific features of memory statement with different level of educational motivation in young school age»

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This article examines the dependence of the level of short-term memory, memory type and indirect memory on the level of educational motivation in younger schoolchildren. The study showed that there was a relationship between memory and the level of educational motivation. It is proved by diagnostic tests that, the higher the levels of short-term and indirect memory, the higher the level of motivation, and vice versa. It was also revealed that the type of memory does not affect the level of educational motivation.


Publication date: 18.04.2017
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Gulsina I. Garifullina
МБОУ «Бишнинская НШ – Д/С Зеленодольского муниципального района РТ» , Татарстан Респ

«Методические рекомендации оформления проектно-исследовательских работ учащимися (эколого-краеведческая деятельность)»

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Abstract: The modern world essentially pushes the boundaries of the educational space. Traditional lesson ceases to be the main and only source of information for the child. At the same time, such an educational field as the study of the native land contains a huge potential in the implementation of the state educational standard. The main goal of the primary school is to master the students' communicative skills in all types of educational activities and develop the personal qualities of school