List of publications on a keyword: «piles»

Технические науки

Publication date: 22.03.2018
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Liliia F. Khaliullina
Kseniia V. Chilikina
Institut gidrotekhnicheskogo i energeticheskogo stroitel'stva FGBOU VO "Natsional'nyi issledovatel'skii Moskovskii gosudarstvennyi stroitel'nyi universitet" , Москва г

«Строительство в условиях Крайнего Севера»

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The article is devoted to the issues, problems and solutions arising in the construction in The far North on permafrost soils, in severe natural conditions and at abnormally low temperatures. The authors note that low temperatures below freezing, fogs, short summer and long winter can be significant barriers to construction in this area.