List of publications on a keyword: «Walking»


Publication date: 01.06.2018
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Aleksandra E. Vznuzdaeva
МБДОУ «Д/С №7» , Кемеровская обл
Olga B. Mikhailova
Nilufar A. Sumenko , воспитатель первой категории
Irina V. Basheva
Irina V. Melnik
Anastasiia V. Echina
MBDOU "D/S 150" , Кемеровская обл

«Organization of walks in the kindergarten»

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Children's stay in the fresh air is of great importance for the physical development of the preschooler. The walk is the first and most affordable means of hardening the child's body. It helps to increase its endurance and resistance to adverse effects of the environment, especially to colds.