List of publications on a keyword: «literary heroes»

Дошкольная педагогика

Publication date: 02.06.2020
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Olga V. Lavrukhina
Natalia V. Katkova
GBOU "Shkola 17" , Москва г

«Детский журнал как средство развития будущего читателя»

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The article is devoted to the problem of children's reading, perception of the text by ear, understanding the meaning and content of the read. Frequent and regular reading, its skillful combination with various types of children's activities contributes to the child's understanding of the world around him, teaches him to feel and love the beautiful, forms the basis of moral qualities of the individual. Reading comprehension and awareness are the main indicators of reading quality. The article considers the children's magazine as an important source of knowledge, which contains literary works (classical and modern), tasks for the development of mental processes, drawings and notes of children, etc. The children's magazine has a great potential for the development of the future reader in the child.