List of publications on a keyword: «medical documentation»


Publication date: 25.01.2022
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Svetlana Radeva , chief obstetrician
Specialized Hospital for Active Treatment of Obstetrics and Gynecology "Prof. Dr. D. Stamatov" , Bulgaria

«Audit of Activities in Obstetric Practice – a Guarantee of Quality and Safety»

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Primary medical documentation traces the patient's path during the therapeutic and diagnostic process and recreates in writing all therapeutic and diagnostic procedures, therapeutic behavior, diet, care and everything related to the patient visual representation of data, allows you to track the change in the condition and the therapeutic response of the patient to the treatment. The aim of the present study is to study medical documentation and inspections carried out by institutions in two medical obstetric structures in Varna. Materials and Methods: A direct anonymous survey was conducted among 232 respondents, of which 124 medical doctors and 108 medical workers.