List of publications on a keyword: «key words»


Publication date: 04.03.2024
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Evgenii G. Iakubovskii
FSBEI of HE "Saint Petersburg Mining University" , Санкт-Петербург г

«Properties of the nucleus of an atom»

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Annotation The properties of the atomic nucleus were studied, in particular the weight of quarks and the energy of gluons were calculated. The nuclear potential and quark mass were calculated from the kinetic energy and momentum. This is determined using integers on which the mass of quarks and the energy of gluons depend. The mass of quarks is approximately known, and a dependence on integer numbers of the quark mass is selected that is close to the experimental value. This allows us to more accurately determine the mass of quarks that satisfy the kinetic energy of the quarks and their momentum. The energy of the atomic nucleus and the energy of the atom are determined using STR formulas at imaginary speed.


Publication date: 28.06.2022
Evaluate the material Average score: 5 (Всего: 4)
Irina V. Ivlieva , candidate of philological sciences , associate professor
Missouri University of Science and Technology , USA


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The purpose of the study is to present the terminology of word-formation synthesis as an organized system and identify the stages of development of its relevant terms. The scientific novelty of the study resides in the fact that a structured corpus of word-formation synthesis terms with elements of definitional analysis is introduced into scientific usage. As a result, it has been proven that the terminology of word-formation synthesis is a multilevel, hierarchically organized system, and the inventory of units within it changes at different stages of research. The system of modification synthesis terms is examined and tested with and through several proprietary novel web scraping algorithms that allow extracting the verbs of sound from digital databases of contemporary dictionaries and the National Corpus of the Russian language.


Publication date: 28.12.2020
Evaluate the material Average score: 5 (Всего: 1)
Liubov A. Meshcheriakova
Anastasiia P. Eriomina , candidate of pedagogic sciences
FSEI of HE "Orenburg State Pedagogical University" , Оренбургская обл

«Time Management as a Means of Developing the Professional Competence of the Head of a Preschool Educational Institution»

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Abstract: Modern requirements of society, changes in the Russian education system objectively put forward new requirements for the quality of professional training of managers, one of the main indicators of which is such a personal quality as professional competence. the article presents the results of the study of the problem of professional competence development. The essence and content of the technology for developing the professional competence of the head of a preschool educational institution, which is based on time management, is revealed in detail

Дошкольная педагогика

Publication date: 24.12.2018
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Lidiia E. Dodonova , заместитель заведующего по воспитательной и методической работе
ANO DO "Planeta detstva "Lada" - D/S 192 "Rucheiok" , Самарская обл
Tatiana V. Kiseleva
Olga V. Pashkova
АНО ДО "Планета детства "Лада" детский сад №102 "Веселые звоночки" , Самарская обл

«Innovative activities in kindergarten»

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Abstract: this article deals with the use of 3D pens in the educational process with children in kindergarten. The advantages of 3 d pens over traditional drawing tools are revealed. The tasks that are solved in the process of drawing with this gadget are presented. It is shown how with the help of 3 d handles it is possible to enrich the subject-developing environment of groups. This article will be useful for both educators and teachers of additional education.

Технические науки

Publication date: 20.12.2018
Evaluate the material Average score: 5 (Всего: 1)
Sergei P. Kolyvanov
Iurii N. Tkachuk , candidate of engineering sciences
University of Press and Media Industry FSBEI of HE «Moscow Polytechnic University» , Москва г

«Application of methods of laser technologies of information recording on the example of instrumental production»

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Abstract: the paper discusses the technique, technology and role of the system of precision laser marking for the formation of graphic information, nanoscale contrast images, barcodes and QR codes in the process of creating an automated system of storage, accounting, identification, control and labeling of parts in tool production, analyzes the methods, marking modes and selects the best of the presented.

Дошкольная педагогика

Publication date: 10.10.2018
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Iuliia A. Gorkushina
MBDOU "D/S 67" , Белгородская обл
Elena V. Rakina
Antonina V. Nemtseva
Iana G. Kharchenko
МБДОУ «Д/С КВ №67» , Белгородская обл

«Pedagogicheskie usloviia razvitiia kommunikativnykh umenii u detei starshego doshkol'nogo vozrasta s uchetom gendernykh razlichii»

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This article describes the conditions that need to be created in the DOW for more successful development of communication skills. This process will be more effective if teachers take into account the gender differences between boys and girls. Given their psychophysiological characteristics, it is necessary to build the process of communication with adults and peers. These conditions include: - subject developing environment; – role-playing games; -didactic game; -individual work; - organization of special classes and clubs; - modeling of communicative situations. Each of these conditions, created in the framework of the development of communication skills, must meet the requirement of gender sensitivity of children.

Publication date: 10.05.2018
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Zoia I. Kuznetsova
Tatiana V. Dolgikh , воспитатель
Anna V. Borovenskaia
MBDOU "D/S 20 "Kalinka" , Белгородская обл

«Formation of Patriotic feelings in preschool children through the use of Russian folk art»

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Abstract: in the article the authors introduce the system of work on the formation of Patriotic feelings in preschool children. The peculiarities of using in this process the sources of folk wisdom: Proverbs, sayings, fairy tales, riddles, the importance of familiarization with applied folk art, familiarity with the heroes of the second world war, the example of close people.

Publication date: 02.03.2018
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Alla N. Kokhanova
Частный Д/С «Акурпек» , Kazakhstan

«The importance of using games in the english classroom»

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From this article we can get information about the importance of using games at the English lessons in the kindergarten. Here we have some games, which can develop children’s wish to speak English. Language game becomes the subject of study for many methodologists: as an instrument of teaching it develops the memory activity of students and makes the process of teaching a foreign language more interesting, attractive and keeps students motivated. Using games, the teacher can solve the following aims of the lesson: to develop speech skills; memory, to consolidate lexis, vocabulary, words; grammar structures. Game is an activity with rules, a goal, and an element of fun, which is much needed in kindergartens from the beginning.


Publication date: 14.02.2018
Evaluate the material Average score: 5 (Всего: 1)
Marina A. Aryamnova , degree-seeking student , senior instructor
Institute of philology and verbal communication of Siberian Federal University , Красноярский край

«A text as a unit of verbal communication»

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The article presents the problems of understanding scientific texts from psychological and linguistic points of view. It depicts characteristic features of different kinds of texts including texts for specific purposes. There is a great amount of information in the different fields of science, our task is to hare possibilities to get it from different sources. Necessity of information extraction is rather urgent. That`s why the problem of easy and proper understanding of scientific texts, and texts for specific purposes, ways of its provision are keystones in engineers` training.

Филологические науки

Publication date: 12.12.2017
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Diniia D. Garaeva
Elabuga Institute FAEI of HE "Kazan (Volga) Federal University" , Татарстан Респ

«Специфика использования номинативных фразеологических единиц в современной американской и британской прессе»

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Abstract: this article analyzes the structural-semantic functioning of idioms as a component of the nominative phraseological units on the pages of modern English periodicals.

Организация воспитательно-образовательного процесса в ДОУ

Publication date: 22.01.2018
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Liubov N. Rodionova
Al'met'evskii filial ChOU VO "Kazanskii innovatsionnyi universitet im. V.G. Timiriasova (IEUP)" , Татарстан Респ

«Дидактические игры и игровые упражнения в формировании у дошкольников навыков грамматически правильной речи»

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Abstract: The article deals with the problem of forming grammatical correct speech skills in preschool children. With the help of the method of analysis of scientific literature, the process of forming the grammatical structure of speech in the scary preschool age is considered, and the features of didactic games and game exercises are established. The result is a conclusion about the role of play activity and didactic exercises for the development of grammatically correct speech.

Теория и методика профессионального образования

Publication date: 03.01.2018
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Anastasiia P. Eriomina , candidate of pedagogic sciences
FSEI of HE "Orenburg State Pedagogical University" , Оренбургская обл

«Razvitie informatsionnoi kompetentnosti budushchego menedzhera (napravlenie 44.04.01 "Pedagogicheskoe obrazovanie") pri realizatsii setevoi obrazovatel'noi programmy»

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Abstract: The article reveals the content of the information competence of the future manager as a significant result of professional training by the means of the network educational program. Based on the analysis of normative documents that are the sources of the content of the future manager's professional activities, the main requirements in the field of work with information and application of information and communication technologies were analyzed. The main indicators of development of the information competence of the future manager are determined and the results of the diagnosis of the level of its development for the 1st year undergraduates of Orenburg State Pedagogical University are presented.

Дошкольная педагогика

Publication date: 19.12.2017
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Anna V. Borovenskaia
Tatiana V. Dolgikh , воспитатель
Zoia I. Kuznetsova
MBDOU "D/S 20 "Kalinka" , Белгородская обл

«Использование дидактических игр в экологическом воспитании дошкольников»

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Abstract: in the article the didactic game is considered as an effective means of ecological education of preschool children. The classification of didactic games, environmental content and examples of their use in the educational process.

Современные подходы в дошкольном образовании и подготовка кадров

Publication date: 16.08.2017
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Mariia V. Artamonova , master of pedagogic sciences
ANO DO "Planeta detstva "Lada" , Самарская обл

«Интегрированные формы работы по приобщению детей 6–7 лет к чтению художественной литературы»

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Abstract in the article are integrated in the initiation of children 6 – 7 years to the reading of literature The article focuses on the integration of educational areas, as a form of familiarizing of preschool children to reading fiction. The author describes the types of integrated forms of interaction between teacher and children.

Проблемы повышения качества образования в современных условиях

Publication date: 18.05.2017
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Galina N. Chebyshova
MBOU Anninskaia SOSh 1 , Воронежская обл

«Приемы целеполагания на уроках математики»

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Summary: this article deals with different methods connected with the aim posi-tioning at the lessons of mathematics at secondary school. It gives some concrete examples of their usage.

Педагогика общеобразовательной школы

Publication date: 03.05.2017
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Svetlana V. Saiutina
МКОУ «Брылинская СОШ» , Курганская обл

«Использование технологии опорных конспектов»

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Abstract. Technology, contributing to the formation of universal educational actions of pupils, is the technology supporting notes, which have a number of features. The basic abstract is inherently close to the cluster, but there is a difference: the structure of the reference abstract in contrast to the cluster is fixed. Mastering the technique of drawing up supporting notes improved the students from class to class.

Современные педагогические технологии

Publication date: 25.04.2017
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Tatiana E. Sablia
Lyceum №488 of Vyborgsky district in Saint-Petersburg , Санкт-Петербург г

«Проблема информатизации образования в школе»

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Abstract: the article considers new approaches to education in the natural Sciences, a combination with humanitarian disciplines and techniques of educational work.

Дошкольная педагогика

Publication date: 25.04.2017
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Mariia V. Artamonova , master of pedagogic sciences
ANO DO "Planeta detstva "Lada" , Самарская обл

«К вопросу о формировании читательского интереса у детей 6–7 лет»

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Abstract in article the question of formation of reading interest among children 6 – 7 years In the article the problem of forming reading interest of children of preschool age. Reveal such issues as: the organization of book area, as one of the conditions of motivation for reading fiction children 6 – 7 years of age. The formation of moral concepts in children of preschool age by means of reading Russian folk tales.


Publication date: 18.04.2017
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Gulsina I. Garifullina
МБОУ «Бишнинская НШ – Д/С Зеленодольского муниципального района РТ» , Татарстан Респ

«Методические рекомендации оформления проектно-исследовательских работ учащимися (эколого-краеведческая деятельность)»

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Abstract: The modern world essentially pushes the boundaries of the educational space. Traditional lesson ceases to be the main and only source of information for the child. At the same time, such an educational field as the study of the native land contains a huge potential in the implementation of the state educational standard. The main goal of the primary school is to master the students' communicative skills in all types of educational activities and develop the personal qualities of school

Педагогические науки

Publication date: 05.04.2017
Evaluate the material Average score: 2 (Всего: 3)
Elena S. Fenkina
Inna P. Mironenko
KGKP "Vostochno-Kazakhstanskii gumanitarnyi kolledzh" , Kazakhstan

«Использование игровых приемов при изучении темы «Имя прилагательное» в начальных классах»

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Annotation: The relevance of the theme of the work is predetermined by the development trends of the modern Kazakh school - ensuring the development of individual and creative abilities of each student. The choice of the game as an object of consideration and practical development is dictated by the fact that it can strengthen cognitive interest, facilitate the process of teaching, accelerate the development of a junior pupil. Incorporating into the situation of the didactic game.

Теория и методика дополнительного образования детей

Publication date: 24.03.2017
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Iuliia V. Zvagolskaia
FSBEI of HE "Nizhnevartovsk State University" , Ханты-Мансийский Автономный округ - Югра АО

«Диагностика чувства ритма как способ контроля учебно-воспитательного процесса»

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Abstract: this article is devoted to questions of diagnostics of musical abilities, namely the diagnosis of a sense of rhythm in children of Junior classes additional pre-service education. Due to the fact that the problem of diagnostics of musical abilities in our time is relevant in this article deals with the concept of “diagnosis”, what does diagnostic, diagnostic tasks. So we are talking about the diagnosis as a way of monitoring in the educational process.

Педагогика общеобразовательной школы

Publication date: 16.03.2017
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Viktoriia V. Aksionova
Irina V. Bakhreva
MBOU "SOSh 46" g. Belgoroda , Белгородская обл

«Групповые формы работы на уроках в начальной школе»

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Abstract: The article is devoted to the organization of group work in elementary school. The authors tell about the main purpose of the group is the development of students ' thinking, raising interest in academic subjects. The article presents practical methods of group work at lessons of Russian language. The proposed materials can be used by teachers in the educational process. The authors explain the role of group work in the formation of the subject and personal educational outcomes

Биологические науки

Publication date: 22.02.2017
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Nazgul O. Kazakova
Kyrgyz State University named after I. Arabayev , Kyrgyzstan

«Антропометрические данные девочек-подростков общеобразовательной школы г. Бишкека»

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Abstract: Anthropometric data provide indicators of age-appropriate children early to identify them, fix deviations from the norm. In this work, we used parametric (Sigma) method of assessment of anthropometric data. The article shows anthropometric indices of the adolescent girls of secondary schools of Bishkek.


Publication date: 15.09.2016
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Olga A. Bezmaternykh
Tatyana Y. Ma , doctor of philological sciences
FSBEI of HE "Amur State University" , Амурская обл

«Emotives «fear» and «terror» in short stories by E.A. Poe»

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Short stories by A. Poe which include emotive words «fear» and «terror” are analyzed. These words predominate among emotive words and are viewed as key words which allow the reader to penetrate into the idea of each story and come to the conclusion that all of them are built around the theme of fear and terror as a key concept.

Педагогика общеобразовательной школы

Publication date: 03.10.2016
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Mariya V. Egorova , doctor of historical sciences
SBEI of HPE "South Ural State Medical University" , Челябинская обл

«Взаимоотношения учащихся и учителей в дореволюционной школе»

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Abstract: In this article we are talking about the relationship between students and teachers to identify an objective picture of the life of the Ural high school before the revolution, to show the main problems that existed in the educational and extracurricular process at this time.