List of publications on a keyword: «ions»

Дошкольная педагогика

Publication date: 30.03.2021
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Fidaliia I. Khasanova
Alfiia A. Akchulpanova , candidate of pedagogic sciences
FSBEI of HE "Bashkir State Pedagogical University named after M. Akmulla" , Башкортостан Респ


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The article reveals the theoretical issues of the formation of the health keeping competence of children of senior preschool age: the relevance of this problem, the stages of work on the formation of health-saving competence of older preschoolers.

Philology and linguistics

Publication date: 07.06.2021
Evaluate the material Average score: 5 (Всего: 1)
Natalia V. Glybochko
Marina N. Khilobok
MAOU "SOSh 9" , Тюменская обл

«Emotions and communication in the Henry Kuttner's story “The Ego Machine”»

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Is explored the relationship between emotions and the effectiveness of communication, given a brief overview of the three parts of the research in identifying these features through the prism of emotive linguoecology.

Общая педагогика

Publication date: 24.03.2021
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Nataliia N. Kos'minina
MOBU SOSh 82 , Краснодарский край

«Development of higher mental functions in geography lessons»

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Статья содержит прием развития высших психических функций у школьников на уроке географии через использование метода интеллект-карт. Удобство и простота использования, как для педагога, так и для ученика.


Publication date: 26.02.2021
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Valeria Y. Efimova , student
Aleksei M. Vasilev , doctor of historical sciences, candidate of juridical sciences , associate professor, professor
FSFEI of HE "Kuban State University" , Краснодарский край

«Mastermind as One of the Components of Complicity»

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In the present study the institution of complicity is considered, namely, the authors focus on the mastermind as one of the components of complicity. This type of complicity today has, from the point of view of the scientific community, quite a large number of debatable questions about its establishment as the “person behind the crime” and bringing it to criminal responsibility. Authors have tried to disclose the existing dispute and, accordingly, to offer a solution to the present controversial issues in the legal presentation of the national legislation. These judgments in scientific research could find a more effective incrimination of the positions proposed by the authors in practice.

Cover article

Publication date: 10.02.2021
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Elena A. Vasina , candidate of psychological sciences
, Санкт-Петербург г

«Social Skills of The Personality: Diagnostics and Approaches to Analysis»

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The article considers social skills based on the polymodal approach as a means and result of the interaction of a person with social reality. The diagnostic method SUM-60 (Social skills of a personality – 60) and the results of its testing among young people are presented. The method includes a complex of social and socio-psychological skills focused on adaptive and positive behavior in the social world. The social skills analysis algorithm is proposed; their relationships with communicative and personal characteristics, value orientations, self-esteem and self-efficacy are shown.


Publication date: 08.02.2021
Evaluate the material Average score: 5 (Всего: 7)
Marina A. Shvetsova , candidate , associate professor
Kseniia R. Morina , student
NCEI of HPE "St. Petersburg University of the Humanities and Social Sciences" , Санкт-Петербург г

«Countermeasures Against Youth Destructive Subcultures»

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The article discusses theoretical and methodological approaches to the analysis of the reasons for the inclusion of adolescents and young people in informal subcultural associations. Methods of counteracting the influence of destructive subcultures on the representatives of the younger generation, risk factors for the formation of their deviant behavior are analyzed. Special attention is paid to the study of the specifics and typology of modern subcultures. Attention is focused on the domestic and foreign experience of preventive work, including alternative types of productive socially significant activities that contribute to the identification, socialization and inculturation of young people.


Publication date: 18.01.2021
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Iosif M. Kuchiev , master's degree student
Zalina V. Sosranova , candidate of historical sciences , associate professor
FSBEI of HPE "North Ossetia State University named after K.L. Hetagurov" , Северная Осетия - Алания Респ

«Modern Youth and Its Role in Socio-Political Processes»

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In order to avoid any political upheavals, it is necessary to create channels, in other words, elevators, thanks to which the transit of generations in different spheres of public and political life will take place at a slow pace, young people should become an active subject of political relations between the state and society.

Тема номера

Publication date: 18.12.2020
Evaluate the material Average score: 3 (Всего: 2)
Anton A. Chizhov
MBEI “Gymnasium” , Красноярский край
Marina A. Chizhova , candidate of engineering sciences , associate professor
Lesosibirsk branch of FSBEI of HE “Reshtnev Siberian State University of Science and Technology” , Красноярский край

«Bionics as the New Required Vector of Development»

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The article analyzes and summarizes the principles of architectural bionics applied to various construction and technical structures. The analysis was carried out in the course of studying the scientific literature on the topic “Bionics. Architectural structures». The purpose of this work is to study the principles of architectural bionics, to study the possibility and effectiveness of their application for solving engineering and technical problems. The main task of the work was to study the directions and principles of development of architectural bionics, to assess the effectiveness of their application for solving technical problems, to find the correspondence of biological systems to construction and technical structures and facilities, to analyze known architectural structures from the point of view of architectural bionics.


Publication date: 09.12.2020
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Svetlana Radeva , chief obstetrician
Specialized Hospital for Active Treatment of Obstetrics and Gynecology "Prof. Dr. D. Stamatov" , Bulgaria

«Medico-Social Significance of Section Caesarea as the Preferred Method for Birth»

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A caesarean section (CS / SC), also known as a “caesarean section” (C-section; SC), is a surgical procedure in which the birth of a fetus occurs surgically. This procedure is usually used when a normal (vaginal) birth would endanger the life or health of a pregnant woman or a child. According to international medical institutions and WHO the optimal caesarean section rate is between 10% and 15%. The world health organization (WHO) recommends that a caesarean section is performed only on the basis of a valid medical reason. Practice shows that they evaluate cases when a caesarean section is also performed at will (by a pregnant woman) without any medical indications for this. The purpose of this study is to study the attitude of pregnant women to the method of delivery and concious choice in our country. Material and methods: the database of NSI (National statistical Institute) and NHI (National health insurance) was studied, as well as the opinions of 120 pregnant women and 345 women who gave birth. For the needs of the study, a documentary method, a statistical (survey) method, and contextual analysis were used. The study was conducted in August 2019 – May 2020 in the city of Varna.


Publication date: 17.11.2020
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Mariia A. Vasileva , candidate of juridical sciences , associate professor
FSGOEI of HE “Moscow academy of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation”, , Москва г

«Features of Cooperation of Investigator with Public Authorities During the Investigation of Environmental Crimes»

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Public authorities, providing control and supervision over environment, and scientific and educational institutions of ecological aspect as the subjects of cooperation with investigator during the investigation of environmental crimes are examined in the present article. The variants of their support in such investigations are considered.


Publication date: 22.12.2020
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Natal'ia A. Stulikova
Tatiana S. Babchenko
Inna S. But
MBUDO "Iunost'" , Белгородская обл

«Integration of areas of artistic orientation in children's creativity»

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The inclusion of integrated lessons with elements of improvisation in the learning process is an innovation in modern pedagogical practice. The article discusses the option of conducting an integrated lesson "Visual activity - choreography", which consists of two parts and is conducted by two teachers.

Дошкольная педагогика

Publication date: 09.11.2020
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Elena N. Proskurina
Natalia V. Bolotskikh
Irina A. Filatova , воспитатель
Lola B. Sorokina
MADOU D/S 47 "Lesovichok" , Белгородская обл

«Конспект образовательной деятельности «Путешествие по экологической тропе»»

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Formation of ecological culture, which is understood as a combination of environmental consciousness, environmental feelings and environmental activities.


Publication date: 02.10.2020
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Svetlana Radeva , chief obstetrician
Specialized Hospital for Active Treatment of Obstetrics and Gynecology "Prof. Dr. D. Stamatov" , Bulgaria

«Managing the Work Environment in a Medical Organization in the Presence of Risk»

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The article analyzes the risks that arise in the work environment of a medical organization. The author describes in detail the risk management program required by the health organization for the successful work of the working staff. The need to improve working conditions in medical organizations is emphasized.


Publication date: 15.10.2020
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Nadezhda V. Belotserkovskaya , candidate of pedagogic sciences , associate professor
Institute of Foreign Philology and Regional Studies of FSAEI of HPE "M.K. Ammosov North-Eastern Federal University" , Саха /Якутия/ Респ
Lialko O. Zakharova , bachelor of pedagogic sciences , teacher
MBGEI "Lamutsky Sebyan-Kuel national even GES" , Саха /Якутия/ Респ

«Formation of Foreign Language Speech Competence in a Nomadic School»

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The article is devoted to the formation of foreign language regional competence in nomadic conditions. To effectively form this competence, teachers need to choose appropriate tools for teaching in nomadic conditions. Active and interactive learning technologies can serve as such a tool.


Publication date: 16.10.2020
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Aleksey V. Tanyukhin , candidate of economic sciences , actuary
Self-regulatory organization of actuaries "Association of professional actuaries" , Москва г

«Actuarial Evaluation of Late Losses: A Chain Ladder Model or a Generalized Linear Model of Rated Loss Increaments with a Poisson Distribution?»

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This article focuses on the equality of the estimated late losses resulting from the application of the chain ladder model to the estimates obtained on the basis of the incremental development triangle by cross-parameterizing the rated increments of losses with Poisson distributions using the generalized linear model. In this article, the formulas of the chain ladder model are derived by solving the problem of cross parameterization of rated increments of losses. Smaller accounting groups than the risk, along which the development triangle is formed, make conclusions about the possible bases for the sharing of reserves. This issue may be relevant for the further calculation of actuarial premiums.


Publication date: 03.08.2020
Evaluate the material Average score: 5 (Всего: 2)
Elena V. Suvorova , doctor of psychological sciences , head of department
International Academy of Spiritual Development and Innovative Technologies , Москва г

«A Life-Changing Game»

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The article presents a study of how a game can change a person's life. At the beginning of the article, some variants of the concepts and meanings of the word “game” which are used in the article are provided. The following are examples of how the influence of the game on a person, their mood, emotional state and psyche in general can be studied. The mechanism that affects the consolidation of a new positive experience and the transformation that occurred in the game, is described. The mechanism that is embedded in our body, in physiology, is based on the production of hormones. It is through evaluating and observing the emotional state of the participants in the game that we can see how the game changes not only the emotional state of the participants, but also strengthens their resilience. Changes their very lives.


Publication date: 04.08.2020
Evaluate the material Average score: 5 (Всего: 3)
Irina V. Ivlieva , candidate of philological sciences , associate professor
Missouri University of Science and Technology , USA

«Semantic Peculiarities of Lacunae – Modifications. The Concept of Lacunae Dictionary Creation (A Case Study of Russian Verbs of Sound)»

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The article examines the insufficiently explored phenomenon in word-formation synthesis – the intra-linguistic affixal lacunae i.e. lexical gaps. The nature of lacunar units is described as a unique type of semantic modifications that display a similar structure, semantics, and characteristics. From the standpoint of derivative codification, the major lacunae groups are identified, analyzed, and mapped out based on their lexicographic properties. The glossary selection criteria for the experimental Lacunae – Modifications Dictionary are determined. Relying on the data from the Russian National Corpus, nearly 5,000 lacunae and sound verb modifications, combined, were researched using a web-scraping algorithm from a special project at Missouri S&T. The results of this study may serve as a foundational platform for this novel dictionary of affixal lexical gaps in the Russian language.


Publication date: 30.07.2020
Evaluate the material Average score: 2 (Всего: 5)
Elvira Z. Sakaeva , candidate of economic sciences , associate professor
Sterlitamak Branch of FSBEI of HE "Bashkir State University" , Башкортостан Респ

«Methods and Results of the Federal Fire Service»

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In this article, the conditions and features of providing federal and regional government services and municipal, market services are discussed, and the efforts of volunteer fire brigades, as well as companies and citizens, are highlighted. As a result of their interaction, a system of interconnected complementary services is established.

Экономика (экономическая теория, финансы, бухгалтерский учет, статистика и др.)

Publication date: 18.07.2020
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Ekaterina S. Garina , student
Tatiana V. Pavlovich , candidate of engineering sciences , senior lecturer
FSFEI of HE "Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation" , Москва г

«Information Technology: Current and Future Trends for Airlines»

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This paper analyzes current state of information technology in airline industry and demonstrates future tendencies of IT used by airlines.

Технические науки

Publication date: 17.06.2020
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Evgenii D. Golovachev , bachelor of engineering sciences , master’s degree student
Yuri N. Belov , candidate of engineering sciences , associate professor
FSFEI of HE "Kuban State University" , Краснодарский край

«Modernization of Automatic Telephone Stations»

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With the rapid development of telecommunication systems, as well as the emergence of new technologies for broadband access, a need for modernization of automatic telephone exchanges arose. To date, almost every major telecom operator is faced with the need to update their equipment. In this regard, a number of tasks arise, such as selection of a new platform, as well as new equipment, without which it is not possible to eliminate old systems. The article considers the convergence and modernization of automatic telephone exchanges based on the MSAN platform.

Тема номера

Publication date: 28.04.2020
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Kseniia L. Erofeeva , doctor of philosophical sciences , professor
FSBEI of HE "Ivanovo State Power University named after V.I. Lenin" , Ивановская обл

«Vladimir Soloviev on the Mission of Art: The Modern Aspects»

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The article analyses the final lines of V. Soloviev’s work “The General Sense of Art,” correlating them with the art tendencies of the modern civilization. The author addresses Soloviev’s idea about the transforming role of art in relation to the reality, the real life. It is stated that, in the modern era, within the commercial mass culture domination, the entertaining function of art comes to the forefront. At the same time, an opposing tendency can be observed: a movement towards the all-encompassing unity, understanding of the universal, the priority of common values (the ideas of ecological ethics, common religion, non-violence). The author indicates that the dialectic negation of the negation law is manifested in the history of art, in the realization of its varied functions.

Технические науки

Publication date: 15.05.2020
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Liudmila A. Gerashchenko , candidate of pedagogic sciences , associate professor
Ekaterina Inozemtseva , student
FGBOU VO "Bratskii gosudarstvennyi universitet" , Иркутская обл

«Features and Complications of Developing Websites for Further Vocational Training Educational Centres»

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The difficulties of conquering the market for educational services and the need to attract customers in the field of adult education makes it necessary to think through methods of promoting information using websites. The content and navigation of school websites, their popularity, importance, novelty become, in the modern world, one of the main topics in the field of education. In this article, the features of developing a website for further vocational training educational centres have been considered.


Publication date: 10.04.2020
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Anastasiia S. Aksenova , student
FSAEI of HE “St. Petersburg National Research University of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics" , Санкт-Петербург г

«On Improving the Range and Economic Efficiency of Hotel Services»

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The article discusses the basic terms and concepts associated with hotel services and their economic indicators. The article also deals with the problem of inefficient sales of additional services by hotel enterprises due to mismatch with consumer demand. For this problem, the author has proposed a solution, which has been tested in hotels of St. Petersburg.


Publication date: 15.06.2020
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Daria V. Grishina
Elvira R. Latypova , candidate of pedagogic sciences
Sterlitamak Branch of FSBEI of HE "Bashkir State University" , Башкортостан Респ


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The article is devoted to the role of modern innovative technologies of teaching a foreign language, which are an integral element of its process. The potential of using such technologies in the field of learning a foreign language is large, but the opportunities inherent in it are not sufficiently studied. The priority direction of language teaching is the development ofmethods using innovative technologies that keep up with the times. The purpose of this article is to study the role of innovative technologies in the process of teaching a foreign language. To obtain the results of this study, methods of analysis, synthesis and deduction were used. As a result of the study, the authors came to the conclusion that innovative technologies underlie the convergence of educational activities, the development of knowledge, skills, which in turn make it possible to apply a personality-differentiated approach in teaching a foreign language.

Publication date: 18.06.2020
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Nataliia O. Kuznetsova , degree-seeking student
FSBEI HE "Samara National Research University named after academician S.P. Korolev" , Самарская обл

«Professional training of specialists in advertising and public relations (in the labor market example of the Samara region)»

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The relevance of the study is explained by the high demand for advertising and public relations specialists in the Russian labor market. The article was prepared using the following methods: analysis of the labor market for the demand for specialists in advertising and public relations, pedagogical observation and generalization of the experience of training specialists in advertising and public relations in universities. The necessity of modernizing the professional training of specialists in advertising and public relations and the formation of the legal competence of specialists in advertising and public relations based on the results of the study is emphasized.